Sunday, November 2, 2008

Calling All Creative Types!

I'm looking for writers, artists, photographers, poets, cartoonists and arts and crafters who'd like to guest blog while I'm away next week! If you'd like to share any new (or old) pieces you've created, just leave a comment and then send me an e-mail with what you'd like to post. Do so by this Wednesday and I'll schedule it to go up between Saturday and Wednesday the 12th. Not only will you be helping me out, but it's a great way of getting your work out to more readers.

I've come across many wonderful writers and photographers through the blog world and would love to let others know about you too! Oh, and let's not forget the little Pay It Forward contest I have going for bloggers who participate: three will be randomly chosen to receive a little souvenir from the trip and the chance to do something nice for someone else :)

Hope you guys are interested! Otherwise I might have to resort to posting while I'm in Cancun. (Yeah right. That's a big fat negativo if I ever heard one.)



  1. If you still need help let me know. If so, if you see anything on my blog you would like to use that is cool, or else I could write something new for you. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip!

  2. If you are still looking for a guest poster, let me know. I'd be willing to help you out whilst your in Cancun soaking up sun and I'm sitting here in Maine, freezing to death.

    Wait, did I just offer to help you out while you're basking in the sun. Sheesh, the cold must already really be getting to me. *lol*

  3. I would help, but I don't think I've shown enough significantly deep or significantly amusing postings as of yet. I'm new to the bloggy world and while I could write you a lengthy blurb about parenting beliefs or relationships, you'd have to give me a topic to talk about. Otherwise, I go on tangents like a MOTHER. LOL

  4. Hope you have fun on your trip. Cute blog btw. I loved your Q&A. I hope to be heading back here to read more soon.

    (visiting through SITS)

  5. joy, thanks so much for offering to help. If you can write something new that'd be great! If not, then let me know which are your best posts and I can link to them :)

    auds, sure I'd love some extra help...while I'm sipping on martinis in the warm Cancun breeze...

    tooj, apparently there are TONS of mothers reading this blog. But I'd love to hear your own perspective on relationships if you still wish to write. And I won't be offended if you decline ;)

    Ms. Bar B, I loved your blog too! Your little girl is cute and thanks so much for passing by!

  6. Cancun!

    Am very, very jealous.

    Thanks for visiting my site today, your comments made me smile. Will be back soon!

  7. I just recently discovered your blog, and have enjoyed reading about your celebration for the Phillies. Please feel free to come visit my blog, I just mentioned you in my most recent post.


  8. Hey D, I got your comment on my blog. Since you love my posts and pictures, I will be your guest blogger. :) I promise to write something universally interesting to the readers. (read: won't be about Pargo)

  9. rachel, I'm glad you liked the comments! and hurry back :)

    chicagolady, I've actually seen you around! I know because everytime I see your icon I think it's so adorable :) Thanks so much for mentioning me on your blog!!

    torrance, there are no specs really. You can either write a short and sweet post about whatever you'd like/ matters to you or any poems, stories, artwork you've created.

    sugar, if you only knew that that's EXACTLY what I'd hoped you'd write about!! How could you not mention the little cutie petutie!? Fine, you can write about whatever you'd like...but you have to send in a photo of Pargo. I'll make that into its own post :p

    Hmm, but then I also like when you post recipes, pictures from your trips to the park, your 1001 projects, your cards and soon-to-be revived etsy there's too much to choose from!

    P.S. I'm sending your postcards this afternoon so they should be there by the end of the week.

  10. Ooh that would be great, kat! Thanks for the offer.

  11. Hey Dorkys! What would you like me to write about? Any ideas? Also just let me know what day and any info I need. Thanks! :)

  12. Hmm, are there any cool design finds or sites people could check out? I know I'm always clueless when it comes to cool places to buy house stuff. I know your blog is semi random like mine (which means we talk about a whole range of stuff!) so if you'd like, you can pick whatever you're loving right now and share it with us :)

    I'm sure we'll love it too! Ooh, or you could do one of your lists, I like those too :p

  13. Oh! And there are no rules really. Just keep it semi-PG 13 (obviously) and email it to me by Wednesday night or Thursday so I can schedule in the post. You can attach any photos and whatnot.

  14. This is so sweet of you to offer. I will send you something in case you want to use it.
    Are you dancing in the streets right now!


Say word.