Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yahoo! Creeps Me Out Sometimes

My friend and I were having a very intelligent conversation on AIM about how much it sucks to be single during the holidays (or the only single person in your family), when I decided to check my mail really quickly. I was greeted by this lovely story:

Stop stalking me Yahoo!


  1. Oh goodness!! I just pulled it up and the lead story was about the oldest person dying! *sigh* Way to make me feel ancient...

  2. And I just pulled it up and it was telling me about the ten sites I need to see before I die....this doesn't help with my train of thought tonight. LOL

  3. Hahaha! Yeah, I refreshed the page shortly after and the next featured story (what to see before you kick the bucket) took its place.

  4. Aww this is funny :D

    I will go check my yahoo now!

  5. MSN always does that to me too. They must have our phones bugged or something.

  6. lol...single ladies CELEBRATE!!!
    Where's the party???

  7. oh no ...don't read it :)

    Think of Beyonce ..."All the single ladies" ...which I can never seem to get out of my head!

  8. I just got the saddest songs of all time. Way to cheer me up on a Sunday morning!

  9. Oh I love Beyonce's "Single Ladies!" As soon as it comes on the radio I start dancing around swearing I got the moves down. (I don't.)

    And no I did NOT read that story. Luckily, it disappeared once I refreshed the page.

  10. Sometimes it's like it's reading our minds! Creepy

  11. Okay... I just went over and looked and it reads:

    Cruise ship outruns pirates

    An ocean liner on its way from Rome to Singapore faced a hijack attempt near Somalia.

    Wow! Shiver me timbers matey!

  12. Hahaha! That's hilarious.


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