Friday, November 7, 2008

I May Have to Draw the Line Here

Two triple cheeseburgers for $3? Ew.


  1. I saw the commercial and thats disgusting. 1 tripple is disgusting, imagine 2! nausea!!!

  2. as disgusting i think Mc is and how bad I feel after I eat one, their big mcas

  3. umm ew, they might as well say "calling all fatties, calling ALL fatties!"

    i know one fatty who is in dire want of more wgt and may turn to these death burgers.

    shell show up around here soon enough... youll see....

  4. heidi, I actually heard it on the radio while I was getting ready this morning and I just couldn't believe it. I'm sure you forgot, but remember in h.s. I'd buy the two double cheeseburgers for like a buck or two after school and I'd inhale them before the third stop (West 4th St.) on the train! And this was pretty much every day. I wonder how my heart didn't explode like that coke bottle up top...)

    franco, I'm pretty much Mickey D's biggest fan, but this is a tad too much I think.

    dama, At first I thought you were talking about me! Then the real fatty came along...

    dariany! hee hee, it's ok. Love you anyway. I want to be a fatty too someday :p

  5. McDonalds is fine once in a while. But that 2 double cheesburgers things is wayyy too much.

    Fyi, I remember you eating the 2 cheeseburgers daily, lol.

  6. As much as I love and (due to this eating adjustment Im on cant have them) really crave cheeseburgers....the thought of triples is down right nauseating.

  7. I used to be able to eat McD's burgers, but now they are just too greasy for me. I'll look for anything else but McD's if I'm hungry.


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