Friday, September 11, 2009

Some Friday Happy

It's dreary in NYC, but here are some things that are brightening up my day:

*NYC Fashion Week has officially begun! The girls in the fashion department have been hurrying about, covering the runways and looking as cute as the models themselves. The Sartorialist took a couple of great pics at Bryant Park today, but we all know the streets of NYC are filled with the fashion-savvy no matter what week it is.

*Speaking of Bryant, in two weeks I'll have to say goodbye to lunching there on sunny work days. Our office is moving a bit up north a couple blocks away from a slightly better known and much larger and greener area that goes by the name of Central Park. Perhaps you've heard of it?

*And because we're moving, we've been purging for days. That means dumpster diving and goodies. Yesterday I scored the Wii console our department received earlier this year to try out and play with. I'm eons late on this, but I've yet to actually play a game on it myself! The company also gave my coworker Wii Sport and he passed it on to me so now I can finally see what all that fuss was about. Anybody interested in a tennis match? And what other cool games are out there? School me, please :)

*Another Jamba Juice coupon is available! This time buy one smoothie and get a 16 oz. drink for a buck! Offer's good through Sept. 27. (Thanks to my coworker for the Facebook heads up about this!)

*Sometimes you just gotta love Facebook. Here's why: Remember that post I wrote about losing touch with people? In the last three days, two people I hadn't heard from in forever sent me Facebook messages out the blue!

*Hey bloggers, did you know you can easily insert jump breaks into your post now? Blogger announced the feature a couple days ago as part of their never-ending 10th birthday celebration. Hollerations to that! I also made the switch over to the new post editor and it's better on so many levels. Some of my fave bits are: easier image and link handling, a cleaner look, the undo button (good grief, I wish that was around before!) and, of course, jump breaks! Ok, I just realized that the Link Within widget gets in the way and the "Read more" appears below it. Hmmm...

*Check out these sheep-herding dogs. Talk about serious talent! Meanwhile I'm just trying to get Toby to stop pooping right when I'm about to sit down and eat. (Thanks Intense Guy!)

*Love the new skinny jeans I'm wearing today. Sure they're from Old Navy. Sure they're for little girls. But if that's what it takes for me to walk with a little swing, then I don't care. Just need to go home, switch to a sexier top and out I go for fun and drinks tonight!

*Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Oh, and I'll be a tease and let you know that Monday's Giveaway is yummy chocolate ;)



  1. Central Park... hmmm... sounds familar... that's the place where the gang from Friends all went to hear Phoebe play "Smelly Cat" on her guitar wasn't it? Opps. That was Central Perk.

    You mean the oversized football field...

    Hope the office move goes smoothly!

  2. How exciting it would be to be a part of fashion week! I love The Satorialist. The photos that he gets of real people are so interesting.

    Well I guess you won't have a problem finding a place to have lunch at Central Park! And, what is up with all of these cool things you are getting while moving! ;) When we moved buildings all I got was a few pair of jeans ruined and exhausted!

    Facebook is really amazing for connecting people. Much better than Myspace!

    Those sheep herding dogs are amazing! Our family dog, Tina, was a border collie. It was so funny, because if they don't have sheep they will herd the family. If we were not all in the same room she would walk between the rooms and find everyone. She wouldn't rest until we were all together and then she would lay down in the center of the room!

    You wear your skinny jeans with pride! Just like Stacey and Clinton say, "Nobody can see the size on the tag".

    Have a great time out tonight! I am turning in early. I am doing a Glambassador thing tomorrow, pictures to come on the blog!

  3. Have a great weekend.

    I read Blogger Buzz, and I still don't know what a jump break is. Oh well...

  4. Happy SITZ Saturday!

    I enjoy your blog. You remind me of Sex and The City since it's my all time favorite show and I'm nowhere near the city, you make it real. :-)

  5. Hey girl,
    How my Husband and I would love to be part of Fashion week. most people in our little town think he is way to feminine just because he loves to get dressed up and look good and he cares about fashion...awww what a man. ha well cute blog

    Just stopping by from SITS
    Have a wonderful weekend

  6. Hey, if you're small enough to get some of the great basic items in the girls' department...go for it! Some of their stuff is cuter anyway and with your youth and figure, you can easily get away with it!

    As for Toby... just before serving supper, take him out. Then he'll be empty when you go to sit down.

    *emails blogger links to myself for reading later*

  7. Hey, thanks for the Blogger info! I'm a bit embarrassed to say I didn't know they ever made upgrades available.

    As for the Wii, my husband and I picked it as our exercise alternative to gym membership. It's been especially handy to be able to work out together after our kids go to bed. We picked up the Active "Personal Trainer" program recently and have been breaking a sweat with it. Of course, the occasional game of tennis is well worth while!

  8. Hope you are enjoying the sunny weather!

    Working so close to Central Park sounds amazing. And free Wii console? Even more amazing.

  9. Glad you were having such a good Friday... Hope the rest of your weekend went as well. :)

  10. I hope your weekend was fun.
    As for that great is that?! I bought my husband one for Christmas a few years ago and we have great fun with it. We even play tournaments with our girls who live in opposite ends of the Earth. It is so much fun. I picked up the yoga set last spring and have been enjoying that as well.
    Speaking of enjoying....I have been meaning to come by and let you know that "Love Actually" arrived but life just always got in the way. :-)
    Thanks again....
    Oh and....sheep-herding dogs.....I hope to one day, some day, adopt a corgi. I just adore them. My sister has cute!.... and he would herd the children when out in the funny. :-)
    Have a beautiful day

  11. Now that I see the give away is it. NOW. I need some. NOW. Please? Pretty please? :)


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