Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bugging Out

Yesterday morning I was suddenly woken up at 5:30 AM by a bug on my bed. I spent an hour keeping vigil in a corner of my room, a broom in one hand and Raid in the other, not daring to get anywhere near the bed. After I killed something with more legs than nature should allow on any creature, I still couldn't go back to sleep. I'm surprised I lasted all day and night without a nap.

Still, when I got home at 4 AM from the club I was ready for sleep. I got into bed and wrapped myself head to toe in my blanket (I'm crazy, not stupid) and passed out.

This morning, I was startled awake again at 9 AM. This time by Toby's rapid fire barking...and the building exterminator at the door on his routine rounds.



  1. Ahahahahhaha, there's a conspiracy not to let you sleep...while I have been out in the street since 8 am...I tell you there is no rest for meeeeee

  2. Yo te digo a ti...

    But guess what? My supervisor just called and because of moving issues we might have Monday off! Hollerations :)

  3. Que envidia mujer!!!!! I hear last night was really good, but because I knew I would have such a crazy day today I knew I would die if I went to bed too late. Oh to have Monday off...that would be bliss :-p

  4. tooj, I KNEW you'd get a kick out of that. Hey, what can I say? Life's tough. But having a Monday off does make it a bit easier to handle. I'll be sure to e-mail you how it goes.

    heidi, it was sooo much fun! De lo que te perdistes!

  5. Hahaha, I do the same exact thing too (wrapping myself from head to toe)! You are too funny!

  6. Oh girl, that stinks not being able to sleep! Maybe you'll rest better tonight! : )

  7. I hate bugs. Well, most bugs. Anything with more legs than nature allow on things and big flying ones that can hurt me...I really don't like those!

  8. Ah ick to creepy crawlys! Good girl for managing to kill it. I usually freak out to a point where I don't function too well, lol.

  9. oh no!! bugs are the worst... but especially when they are in your bed!!

  10. Ha! Never there when you actually need them.

    Well, at least now you will be able to sleep peacefully knowing all the bugs are dead. Just hope the fumes aren’t too bad.

    Well.....I hope your day today is beautiful

  11. I am with you I hate bugs!!!!!
    Carla in Cali!

  12. Someone has got to train Toby to eat, or at least kill, those bugs.

    Did you know that there were around 10,000 species of Millipedes?


Say word.