Wednesday, September 23, 2009

If You Could Ask Me Anything in the World...

What would it be? I'll randomly answer them in subsequent posts.


  1. Can I have some on your electronic belongings?

  2. Do you believe there is a distinct moment in time where you are transported from "I can feel, do, and say whatever I think" to "life on Earth is so finite that all that I feel, do and say each day matters"? Do you believe ALL people experience this at some point as they age, or do you think some never do?

  3. Hmmm... anything huh? (Oops.. Noooooo! That's not my question!!!!)

    I would think "turnabout is fair play" too - so you would/should get to ask question back at the person.

    I'd like to ask you something but I can't bring myself to do so.... Thinks of other questions. Let's see... one question... Okay...

    "What poem, if you lost a copy of it, would you spend years looking for it?"

  4. If you could own your own magazine, what would it be about and what would you name it?

  5. Where do you see yourself in 10 or 15 years time?

    (I'd be interested to know both what you think will be the case, and what you hope will be the case... If they differ, I mean).

  6. What is the one thing that you can't live without? :)

  7. Laffs at Joy's question - only because I blogged about the magazine I would write for last night... Timing is sooooo odd sometimes. :)

  8. Along the same line as Joy, did you always know you wanted to write for a magazine?

  9. What one definitive past event changed how you now live life?


Say word.