Saturday, September 5, 2009

Found the Shoes...

And they're going to need some serious breaking/practice walking in because the sis did not allow me to go for flats or kitten heels. In the meantime, I'll be searching for bendable flip flops that'll fit in my clutch because I have a feeling I'm going to need them.


  1. and they are fly, so deja tu frontiando, como si no te gustan y ponte a practicar!

  2. I think they're really cute BUT understand that I will be DYING that night.

    This totally goes against my whole "comfort over style" thing I got going...

  3. Glad you found some shoes you like. Personally though I'd have gone with the comfort over style thing and just got the flipflops to start with. Mind you, I quite happily wore a pair of runners with the trouser suit I wore to my brother's wedding last year. Well, I wasn't going to kill my feet just to impress other people. Besides, if people are looking at my feet then they have issues anyway. And if they care what's on my feet, that's their problem not mine.

  4. A little sacrifice didn't kill anyone, it's not like we will stand all night. I think they look great and I know you will look great!!!
    Hey, I will be experiencing the pain right there with you :)

  5. They look great! If you're going to be on the floor dancing may want to consider a pair of those little ballerina style slippers for comfort. If you got time, stitch on some silver sequins so they match the cluth. LOL. Worse case, take your cue from the bride. If she ditches her shoes...then feel free to get rid of yours.

  6. Try these Dorkys if your shoes are really uncomfortable:

    I found them at Target after reading about them in a magazine. They are really thin so you can't even notice them, but they make shoes so much more comfortable.

    They are very pretty shoes!

  7. Love the shoes! And glad your sis made you go for the real heels. But I'm a style over comfort girl for special occasions. Work it and have fun!

  8. Those shoes are adorable, and I seriously doubt you'll be dying. You always sound as if you choose comfort, but you're always dressed in cute dresses and such. I think you "style it up" more than you let on. :) Oh, and FYI....I'm late on the reading, so I won't be checking on the book post until I catch up.

  9. tooj, I think I'll do that book club post tomorrow night instead. It's a long weekend and no one else is around anyway. So relax this long weekend (by doing some reading!)

    I'll respond to everyone else's comments later! Today has been slow-going.

  10. I think you'll look awesome in the shoes and dress! And I agree with Ladystyx, if the bride ditches her shoes (most do) then ditch yours. If you're not comfortable running around barefoot then have some slippers handy to put on and cover your tootsies. I hate heels, so the first chance I get, they come off and don't go back on again until they have to.

  11. Your feet look marvelous in those shoes!

    Your lovely smile will have a counterpoint at the other end.


Say word.