Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Giveaway: Hard Rock Pinktober

I hope someday this will all be a thing of the past, but until then breast cancer awareness and searching for a cure is so urgent. Participate by signing up for an event, encouraging the women around you to get a mammogram or breast exam or just by supporting companies and purchasing products that help breast cancer organizations.

Like Hard Rock, which funds breast cancer research by donating a percentage of proceeds from their collection of Pinktober products.

This week, one of you will win a pretty pink gift box with a limited edition '09 Breast Cancer Awareness medium-sized T-shirt, pin and keychain with pink enamel and rhinestone-encrusted charms. Just leave a comment below and a random winner will be chosen Thursday night!

CONGRATULATIONS: Sydney is this week's winner!


  1. Great post for a great cause! And it's so easy to support breast cancer research; there are events and sales and products everywhere!

  2. I too - hope this kind of thing will all be in the past (and soon!)

    Please don't count me in the giveaway - but know I fully support the cause.

  3. :) great thing these organizations are doing..I would like the prizes =)

  4. I participated in a walk earlier this summer for it. Took my boys along. I hope it's a thing of the past sooner rather than later. Happy Monday, friend.

  5. Awareness of this cause is so important. Hopefully all of the research will pay off and a cure will be found sooner than later!

  6. I'm very aware of my breasts! great giveaway! sign me up!

  7. Great products!! What a great cause to support. It is very close to my heart. I even started a passionately pink for the cure team.

  8. what a great post. i love it how you are spreading the word on this great cause! thank you :)

    fun giveaway btw!

    happy monday!

  9. What a fantastic giveaway!

    Popping in from Twitter to let you know about my new movie about a Mommy Blogger! Follow me there for chances to win tickets, prizes and more!"

  10. I hope I win! All of those items are sweet titties. No pun intended.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! What a great giveaway and a cause that's close to my heart. We lost my husband's grandma to breast cancer several years ago. Normally I run the Komen Race for the Cure in her memory, but couldn't this year because I'm a little too pregnant. I hope someday we won't need to fund research because a cure will be found.

    I really like your blog. I promise I'll come back and visit again!

  12. aww what a good cause and what cute goodies =]

    i got my eye on that keychain!

  13. Save the tatas! Going for their check up in 2 weeks.

  14. Wonderful giveaway raising awareness for this! :)

  15. Wow! thanks! Will send you my info!

  16. Everyone let's not forget that breast cancer needs to be discussed every month! As a 16 year survivor I know what it's like to hear the words "you have breast cancer" and the complications that follow the diagnosis. As the director of the LatinaSHARE program at SHARE: Self Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer, I want to make you aware of our toll free hotline where you can speak to another trained survivor who can help you with your questions and to feel the support you may need. Please call 1-866-891-2392 or contact us at you are not alone-No estas sola! We can help you in various languages.


Say word.