Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Delicate Illustrated Table Signs

I'm really loving these precious table signs made by Paperfinger Calligraphy & Design. Each of the pictures feature places and things held dear by the engaged couple: Valley Forge, the NYC skyline, the UPW and Syracuse University. If I saw this at my table, I'd totally grab it and slip it into my purse to frame later. (via Paper Crave)


  1. Ohhhs and ahhs at the Valley Forge one... that hits close to home and is sooooo cool!

  2. I'd like one drawn like that of my campus. Hmmm....I need to befriend an artist.

  3. wow these are great...so simple! I'd totally steal one from the table too!

  4. Good Morning! I just left you a surprise in your email :o)

  5. When I saw the Valley Forge one, I immediately thought of Intense Guy. I knew he would be commeting on it! :)

    This is a great idea - something to keep in mind for your future wedding! ;)

  6. Da'Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse!!! I'd so snag that one up for framing.

  7. intense guy, I knew you'd get a kick out of that one!

    tooj, could you hook me up when you do? For art purposes of course. And I keep wishing I had a photographer friend.

    heidi, aren't they?

    jennee, totally beats those little porcelain dolls that'll collect dust on the bookshelf.

    redhead riter, I saw it! Thanks :)

    sugarlens, yes I'll keep these in mind. Not that I've started planning for it or anything...

    se, yeah they do. Darn these talented people!

    ladystyx, let me find out you went to Syracuse too!

  8. It was extremely interesting for me to read the blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

  9. It was certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

  10. Keep on posting such stories. I love to read articles like that. BTW add some pics :)


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