Thursday, October 1, 2009

Autumn Sends a Nice Big F.U. to New Yorkers

NEW YORK - In what is sure to be a metaphorical middle finger to the city, the fall season has completely turned its back on New Yorkers and bumped fists with Old Man Winter. On Thursday, thousands of men, women and defenseless schoolchildren were forced to break out their dusty winter coats and brave the near-sub zero temperatures, their dreams of sweater weather dashed and stomped like the fallen leaves of the season.

"Yo, what the hell happened?!" asked Dorkys Ramos, a winter baby with a severe hatred for the cold. "One minute I'm wearing a short dress and the next I want a perma-Snuggie. We totally skipped a season here!"

As if the city didn't have it bad enough already, showers and scattered thunderstorms are expected to rip through the area over the weekend. Threats towards Mother Nature's son will surely follow.

When asked if she had any parting words for her former favorite season, Ramos said, "This is not cool, Autumn. Not cool."

To coordinate an anti-Autumn campaign in your neighborhood, visit


  1. in announcer voice-->Este mes en el aria tria-estatal, Nueva York se encuentra sufriendo de fuerte vientos, se esperan diluvios en la calle, flores heridas y posiblemente, la tormenta deje daños irrevocables en el Otoño del 2009....Pero no pierdo la esperanza que esta tormenta pasara. :(

  2. Wuepale! Dique Dariany is the new weather girl for Noticiero Univision. Esta noche a las seis con Jorge Ramos y María Elena Salinas!

  3. Oh sure, you didn't know I had that in me? I do it on the side for public networks you know, those channels no one sees...or maybe just maybe there might be a slight chance that i "borrowed" this from an Aventura song and made a few tweaks...but you know that's just a maybe lol

  4. That sucks that you guys didn't even get to transition! Well if you buy yourself a snuggie don't forget Toby's as well! LOL! Try to stay warm!

  5. Now you see why I hate fall. It doesn't really exist. Not if you like wearing short dresses or tank tops.

  6. I'd like to start up, then maybe winter will disappear too?

  7. You want fall, go to Durango, CO. The fall there lasts from end of August through the end of November.. ahh heaven.

  8. Maybe your Fall is where ever our Summer went? We seem to have gone from Spring in to Autumn/Fall without getting to enjoy Summer. Sure, we had a couple of nice days. But mostly it was the kind of nice days you get in Spring... You know? The ones that tempt you in to believing Summer is coming, only for the weather to suddenly become cooler and damper again.

  9. Yooo I've been complaining about this weather all week long.. Remember those nice summery September days and when it was still nice out by Halloween time? Those days are gone now....
    : (
    Doesn't shock me though being that we didn't even have a summer.. It was more like Winter, Spring, Winter.

  10. It's not too bad down here in DC just yet, but I agree, weather has cooled way too quickly this year.

  11. I sent you the article, this is supposed to be one of the coldest winters in the past 10 years. It's a tragedy.

  12. Laughs at ChicagoLady's comment and shouts, "Amen!"

    I guess I better get the snowblower tuned up and the dings and dents out of the snow shovels and lay in a supply of "ready melt" salt - just as soon as I put my short pants away and find some long pants...

    Does the Dorkys' Weather Channel come in high def?

  13. At the rate we're going here in California...Fall is scheduled to arrive sometime around February. March at the latest.

  14. i feel so bad for you.:( i'd be heartbroken if we didn't get autumn. you can come on over to MN if you'd like!

    stay warm!

  15. People need to get off this Autumn kick. It just sucks. It's like getting the sniffles before the flu.

  16. Bummer! It's really hot here in California still. I'm dying for Fall, but I'm definitely not ready for Winter. Hopefully Autumn will come crawling back for forgiveness!

  17. It can't decide what it wants to do here. It's in the 70's today but was a good 10 degrees warmer just a day or so ago while a few days before that we had 60's. I suspect between the shots, the temps and hubby being ill is why I feel like crap.


Say word.