Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Round-Up

Overheard in New York
That's How I Get My Kix
(six-year-old boy tries to cross street against traffic)
Father, grabbing boy's hand: Whoa, little man! That's dangerous!
Six-year-old boy: Daddy, I eat danger for breakfast.--Ocean & Newkirk, Brooklyn
It Also Says You Owe Me Five Dollars
Young child: Can I have some candy?
Older brother: No, I'm not supposed to share. See (points to writing on label) it says do not share.--Pathmark, Queens
The Daily Puppy Pick of the Week
Bella the Boxer


  1. Unos ninosssssssssss, he's so cute!

  2. 1. It's a girl. Her full name is Bella Stellina nell' Cielo, which means "Beautiful Little Star in the Sky" in Italian. Go figure.

    2. She is adorable!


Say word.