Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So I know I haven't been posting the last couple of days, which can only mean some of you are having panic attacks wondering where on Earth I've been. Well relax, I'm back, but I totally fell off the wagon with that Out the Box business. It's hard doing something everyday! I'll see if I can jump start it today - no promises though. I'm tired.

I've also been dealing with some personal stuff that had me all wound up (FYI, life is hard). But I'm dealing and trying to look on the bright side (cue The Brady Bunch's "It's a Sunshine Day"). For example, NYC is having a lovely day outside (watch the T-storms come out of nowhere again today). The sun is shining, the sky is blue and today's high will be a nice 80 degrees (which only means the sub-zero temperature at work will make me wish I were outside instead). Work-wise, I've turned in all major articles and I'm on track with future deadlines (so obviously its only a matter of time until someone throws a monkey wrench in that one).

So see? It's all about positivity.

How about you guys? What have you all been up to these days?


  1. depression. issues. missing a certain place. missing certain people. dealing with the aftermath. man im such a bummer, dale gracias a dios that i didnt go there last night, im jst a debbie downer.

  2. Yo tengo varios dias con un amargue y un Halloween arriba. Increible

  3. Join the club, buddy, join the club. I need some serious yoga/meditation/something/anything. Maybe there's something in the air this week that's making us feel all crap-like. Thank God for my session with T tonight, that's all I have to say.

    I'm going to go in there and get right down to business, no time for small talk or "how are you?" Nope, I'm busting in there and telling her "Listen, woman. We have major work to do today!"

  4. Ella te acuesta en una cama para hablar?

  5. No, I just sit there in this uncomfortable chair and then my back starts hurting. But I think if it were on a bed I'd just pass out because I'm always tired after work and the whole process is so exhausting.

    It was worse in the winter when I'd get there at night and I'd start zoning off.

  6. Ay Dios, a reclinable chair would be nice with a blanket and some chicken wings on the side

  7. Hahaha, woman! What do you think this is? Your living room? I'll bet you'll also want a big screen TV to drown out what the therapist says.

  8. listen yes i was going through a panic attack...i was gone for three weeks...and i come back to barely 1 new post dude get back on your game

  9. Dude! I've been having panic attacks of my own, Besides, don't you have some catching up to do? :)

  10. yeah i did that already now for new ones lol... and yeah i guess u get some leeway on your panic attack but yeah not te acostumbres lol

  11. Hey why is there another anonymous that is not me?

    Yes, yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day. Wake up and smell the sunshine.
    I took the day off to go to Mountain Creek. ..hehehehe. Totally worth it.


Say word.