Thursday, February 5, 2009

Winter Jammin'

This Saturday I'll be slipping and sliding on skis and snowshoes, sledding down a 70-foot long snow flume, climbing ice walls and maybe warming up with some hot apple cider. And I won't even have to schlep out to Vermont for any of this.

That's because NYC's annual Winter Jam is taking place in East River Park to give us city dwellers a chance to experience cross-country skiing and other wintery sports in our own "backyard." Though the snowboarding competition was tonight, I'm sure there'll be plenty to pass the time away and forget about the fact that my toes are frozen solid. Like perusing the free samples and farmers' products in the Warming Hut.

And because it's not a Jam without some live music, artists such as Apollo Run, Jenna Wight and Dujeous (never heard of any) will be performing. The Skyriders will also provide trampoline entertainment.

Winter Jam NYC 2009 is February 7 in East River Park (Houston Street and FDR Drive), 11 AM - 4 PM, all equipment is provided and admission is $0!



  1. How fun. We're actually having a similar event in KC this weekend but it's supposed to be 70 degrees. So it may take away from the wintery fun.

  2. chicagolady, I hope it is!

    maki, well I wouldn't consider this a vacation since I'm only taking a train into Manhattan, but it's still a nice getaway from the routine.

    erin, I'd probably enjoy the snow more if it was during 70-degree weather.


Say word.