Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Io Parlo Italiano...Sort Of

Last night was our first Italian class and, of course, I was late. Like always. But I had several excuses: a last minute assignment fell on my lap at work and the yucky, snowy weather made it super hard to know which way was up in the East Village. Oh yeah, and running late flows through my veins.

So class was already under way when I walked in and can I just say Thank The Lord that a) I'm fluent in Spanish and b) my coworker and I made major headway in learning the language last year. The teacher spoke only in Italian and we covered the basics:

Come si chiama?
Mi chiamo Dorkys.
Di dove sei?
Sono di New York.
Come sta?
Sto bene.

Man so been there done that. Plus, I understood practically everything she said. Maybe I should've opted for some Chinese instead.

(Just kidding. I know the irregular verbs are going to kick my behind.)

Buona sera!



  1. ahh I always wanted to learn italiano, knowing spanish it would be so easy.
    my dad speaks it fluently.

  2. Wow, that's great that you're learning Italian! Some parts of it are very similar to Spanish, so you shouldn't have a problem! Well not yet at least.

    I took French, which living in S. Florida was one of the dumbest things I could have done. I have to take a Spanish class one of these days if I stay in Florida much longer!

  3. WTG on your first Italian class! In high school I took French because my best friend was taking it, and I never used it, and now wish I'd taken Spanish.

  4. I find it very impressive that you are taking a class - for fun! Keep up the good work.

  5. franco, Knowing Spanish is a huge help. If you don't know a lot of the vocab then you can figure out the gist of the sentence.

    kelsey, I took French for about three years in high school and then went to France for a month in 2002 to learn it some more. Love it! I need to seriously brush up on it though because I've forgotten so much of it. After Spanish and French, Italian was the next obvious choice. (To me, it's a mixture of the two.)

    chicagolady, thanks! You still can you know.

    tooj, thank you and will do!

  6. I want to learn Hebrew, French and Italian.

  7. I find learning a new foreign language very difficult. Good for you for having that curiousity.

    I taught my collage roommate Chinese. She got really good. It's a completely different language to learn.


Say word.