Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Are You a Top or Bottom Kind of Person?

There comes a time in most relationships when serious matters start being discussed: future vacation spots, which city you could build a family in, possible names for the children and most importantly, which way the toilet paper will roll once you start living together.

I'm an Under girl and A.'s Over all the way. After a silly argument involving plans to secretly switch the roll back after our turn and a crazy accusation that I'd notice an incorrectly-placed toilet paper before realizing if the man shaved or not (ok, so what if I do?), I wondered what you readers preferred...

P.S. Hmm...the title of this post brings another poll question to mind...


  1. I'm afraid I'm with A on this one.

  2. *giggles in a juvenile way, while he awaits the other poll question to be posted*

  3. I just like the idea that the toilet paper is safely tucked away between the roll and the wall. I don't like it all out and about ready to unravel at any moment.

    Yes, I know I'm weird.

  4. I am an over person all the way. And I have been known to actually switch the TP at someone elses house if I see that it's wrong.

    And I'm glad I'm not the only one having this conversation. Just the other night Mr. Man and I got talking about this. But unlike you and A we are in agreement, over!

  5. I'm not a stickler for which way it rolls but I guess it makes more sense for it to roll over.

    I like the other question better! Let's have a poll on that! :)

  6. Like you, I was raised under... and S.P. is over all the way. It's gotten to the point where when it wastes, I don't put it back on the wall, I just let it chill ambulante (rest it somewhere).... until he yells at me for being lazy and not putting it back... sigh I guess I'll get used to over....

    I don't think you're crazy...

  7. NO, why must we cater to them? I'm standing strong with my Under stance. Right now at his place, he doesn't even put it on a holder (he doesn't have one installed) so it just stays on the window sill. But watch as soon as we get one someday...

    And if he tries to get all fancy and get a vertical holder, the correct way is having it roll towards you with the sheets towards the wall NOT away from it. You've just been schooled.

  8. Over is definitely the correct way, but then keep in mind this is coming from someone who is under the impression that there is a correct and an incorrect way to eat a Pop Tart. The correct way requires that all the edges must be eaten first, in case you were wondering.

  9. To be fair to your unraveling theory, I think when it's sitting on a roll, it's just as prone to rolling backward as it is forward. NOW...if there are little people in the house, the OVER method is a bit more hazardous to the unraveling theory. I admit this.

    HOWEVER....when it's tucked between the wall and the roll, you can't tell which way to roll it to get it. I hate that. I should be able to see where it's coming from and be able to count the squares as it rolls off. :) You know, in case I'm conservative and ration my squares.

  10. alissa, Oh I have about a million little idiosyncrasies about food, what color my candy should be (preferably red), about switching off between my left side and my right side when chewing things to keep everything balanced, etc, so I feel you on the crazy :p

    tooje, hmm ok, I'll give you the "which way will it roll" problem there. Maybe if everyone went one way I wouldn't waste so many seconds of my life in there.

    And I had to laugh about counting squares. See, I grew up on the cheap Scott toilet paper. It's so thin and crappy, you HAVE to make sure there's enough paper/distance between your hand and your behind. But A. uses Charmin and it's so soft and two-plied that I actually count off several squares when I go and it's always enough.

  11. omg SP just explained why over>under. something about it lapping, ay idk i stopped listening... you should have seen how passionately he spoke though. Really stating his case, and that his children will be raised the same way... sigh... i think he wants to take me to the bathroom and state more of his case... oy vey.

    he also uses Charmin by the way.... and yells at me for using too much tp, im sorry, i was raised on scott so im paranoid about using a good amount!

  12. I so thought you were asking the other question until I read on.

  13. Over, definately. Much easier to grab some that way.

    I'm still working on training my hubby to do it right... He's finally getting there! ;)

  14. Over. I have a hard time grabbing it if it's under and up against the wall.

  15. Missed the poll but I'm an over girl. We're at least 3 generations of over the top rollers here...

  16. Darn, looks like the majority of you are over people. Blah!


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