Monday, March 23, 2009

Miss March

A few weeks ago I was interviewed to be my grad school's Alumna of the Month! I was more than happy to say yes since I absolutely loved my time in Newhouse. Thanks to my year there I was able to transition from an architecture background to a journalism career. Yeah I had to work my butt off - we all did - but seeing where I am now, I'd say it was totally worth it.

You can read the story here.


  1. Congrats Miss March!! I doubt there was a more deserving candidate.

    Hey... what is a "nut graph"?

    I've a squirrel looking over my shoulder you know....

  2. A "nut graph" is the paragraph that states the point/focus of the story. Sorry, no food involved there! Unless of course, it's about the peanut recall and such.

  3. Aww Dorkys, Congrats!! I'm so proud of you ratona.
    : )
    Go Miss March!
    PS. Why didn't you submit a bikini shot for the cover?

  4. Because I wouldn't want to scare away any prospective students and because I still have some decency left!

  5. Congrats....well deserved...and architecture to journalism...kind of like chemistry to Phys ed....

  6. Miss March! What an honor! Congrats!

  7. Congratulations! Awesome article. You were very brave to switch when you did. Sounds like you made the right choice.

  8. *gives ya a standing ovation!*

    Congrats hun!

  9. Congratulations! You totally deserve to me Miss March! I almost went to school for architecture, but judging from friends that did I think we both made the right decision not to!

    BTW-If ever you need shoe article ideas I've got you covered! LOL! :) I have done lots of research!

  10. Congrats! How fun it must be to be featured!! :) It's shaping up to be a great spring so far for you! Syracuse in the "big dance", now you're a feature....

  11. congrats!!! miss march huh? where's your bikini? just kidding!!

  12. Congratulations!

    I gave you an award on my blog!

  13. CONGRATS!!!!! :) Very proud :)


Say word.