Thursday, November 12, 2009

Talk to Me, Baby

Did you know the Irish accent was recently voted world's sexiest? Do you agree because I sure do (along with Australian, of course)!

Last Sunday, I was sitting around the waiting area at La Guardia when this scruffy, long-haired guy-in-a-hat sat right next to me. At first I was annoyed because hello! Why can't you sit on the empty over there?

Anywho, right before we boarded the plane he asked if I could watch over his bags while he went to the restroom.* At least that's what I assumed because I was so caught off guard (and wonderfully surprised) by his accent, I didn't really understand what he said. So I said, "Sure!" while in my head was a smitten "Hi..." Too bad I couldn't catch where the accent was from. I'm thinking Australia though.

Do foreign accents turn you into an instant puddle of goo, too?

*Ok, before you chew me out, I know I shouldn't watch over stranger's packages. It's only posted in every corner of every airport. But I didn't get any Creepy Man vibes from him. And I'll try not to do it on my flight back home today.

Ha! I'm currently waiting around the airport for my plane to arrive and just as I was about to publish this post, an announcement came on. "Ladies and gentlemen, please to do not accept suspicious packages or leave your packages unattended." Point taken, thanks.



  1. I agree, I love Australian accents.
    And you aren't the only one that has watched someone's bags for them :)

  2. Irish accents are definitely my favorite. They make me just melt into an incoherent ball of blabbering. Several years ago I spent two and a half glorious weeks in Ireland. It was intoxicating...there were so many cute Irish men I wouldn't have minded settling down with.

  3. I probably couldn't tell where an accent was from, but they do tend to be fun to listen to. My husband always teases me that I only like listening to "thug" accent with a deep voice....sooooo not true. I'd eat up some Heath Ledger (RIP) any day.

  4. I hope you have a smooth and uneventful flight! And that all your baggage comes through too.

    I like accents of all kinds.

    When I make a bunch of typos - youse noes whad ah mean - I kin allus say Ahm typin' wid an axcint.

  5. Absolutely. I fall for great accents (esp Irish and Australian). I always wondered if my American accent did the same for foreigners...Doubtful.

  6. All kinds of melting, yes!
    There are some accents that are just yummy. If you have one, you could read the phone book to me and I would never want you to stop.

  7. Oh, yeah! Certain accents do that to me too, and the Irish accent is right up there near the top of the list. Funnily enough though, the Welsh accent - though simular - doesn't affect me. Perhaps because I hear it every day? *Shrugs*

  8. Oh yeah...some accents are mighty fine for listenin to.

  9. The irish accent deffinately turns me to goo. It seems to instantly turn any man sexy :P

    SE x

  10. I like accents of all kinds. Whenever I hear them, I try to imitate, but I am really bad at it.

  11. As a girl who has many international friends (England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa...), I am a SUCKER for the accent.

    And for the record, those friends are male (and all are single!). : )

  12. I tink mah Z-Play and bloggy misspellings should be the sexiest accent! Yay for me!

  13. Anything that resembles a British accent makes me melt.


Say word.