Friday, November 20, 2009

The Calm

Funny how Fridays lose their allure when all the days feel the same.

It's noon. I've been sitting at my desk for two hours now willing a dose of inspiration to fall on me from the sky - or at the least the fifth floor. I can hear Toby softly sighing as he curls by my feet, his tags jingling every time they touch my wooden floors. And there's this sweet smell of incense seeping in from my neighbor's walls. Someone out there is listening to R&B, but it's so low I can't make out the words. Still, the music sounds soothing, romantic. He must really love her. I move closer to the window, but the passing planes make it harder to hear.

It's 12:05 PM. Other than the steady stream of travelers overhead, it's incredibly quiet - for New York City standards anyway. Toby's gone off to the bedroom to snuggle up on the shaggy rag he's recently adopted as his own and here I sit, still, listening and thinking with a plate of toast crumbs and an empty mug to my left and pen and paper on my right. I wish today were brighter, busier. The calm feels odd.

I realize I'd grown used to the bustle and stress. The constant motion of city life. An impatient car honks on the street below. Ambulance sirens break their way through the traffic. A closer plane zooms on by. Speed and forward. A need to be propelled somewhere, anywhere, and get rushed along with the rush surrounded by everyone and no one.

The unexpected stop sign made me slam on the breaks and look both ways before proceeding. I could choose "carefully" or "with wild abandon."

Today is not like yesterday. Today is Friday. And it's incredibly calm right now. Perhaps a whirlwind will soon follow.



  1. This was beautifully written and made my heart feel slightly bruised. Keep truckin' dearie!

  2. I wish I could give you a big hug write now!
    And this was beautifully beautifully written.

  3. This is the best-written post I've read in awhile.

    Things will happen for you. It's going to be a great weekend.

  4. Yes, I agree - this is very nicely written.

    I bet Toby is really wagging his tail happily now that you are home with him a lot more!

  5. Enjoy the calm. It's a very necessary part in the "bigger picture". In calm, we get the opportunity to really listen to what's brewing in our mindscapes, and that is what some call God's whisper.

  6. Wow--what an amazing post, beautifully written too!

    Stopping by from SITS--happy Saturday Sharefest!

  7. Your right. Maybe it is the quiet before the storm. I may not live in New York, but I know what you mean about actually likeing being busy and dealing with momentary stress. Great post.

  8. I really do like your writing. It's very detailed and has a nice eloquent flow to it.

  9. Beautiful post...beautiful writing. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Beautifully written! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I decided to check U out. Are you a writer by chance?

  11. I hope your Friday turned into a smiling and peaceful Saturday and Sunday. Sorry I haven't been around as timely as I usually am....hopefully soon I will pick back up.

  12. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!

  13. Lovely write so beautifully. Maybe it's time to start seeing about getting published?


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