Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More Truths from the Universe

Any attempt to measure one's progress in life with an assessment of their present physical surroundings, or even a panoramic glance at their life and times to date, is just plain "whacked." The reason being is that each journey, kind of like a haircut, should never be fully appraised until it's complete. Otherwise, one might mistaken a miracle-in-the-making for a setback, loss, or the "wet-look."

Your cosmic barber and de-whacker, The Universe

Life is not what you see, but what you've projected. It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided. It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it. It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed. And it's not who's appeared, but who you've summoned. And this should serve you well, beloved, until you find, what you already have.

Yeah, The Universe

Shall I remind you that the reason you care so much, sometimes even worry so much, is because there still exists between you and life, a passionate love affair. And because of this, everything's going to be just fine.

xxoo, The Universe

I hope these bring you as much peace as they did to me.

Images:, and


  1. Have you ever read Hugh Prather?

    I think you might like...

    :) You picked great photos to go with those profound words.

  2. Thanks! And no I haven't heard of Hugh, but I'll give him a google later on today. Right now I've got to go rush and ready so I actually have time for breakfast before another full day.

  3. Wow, look at your all deep today!
    But these were all wonderful... going to need to read them a few times since my brain is still trying to wake up :)

  4. A perfectly inspirational post to start that day. I needed that. Thank you so much. I do absolutely adore your blog.

  5. I signed up for those when you had wrote about them in the past. They always make me smile in the morning and start my day off on a positive note!

    The ones you posted here are beautifully illustrated with the photos you choose.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Ah, I am in love with these notes. I signed up for them a long time back after seeing them on your blog, and I adore getting something in my inbox everyday that is not spam or ridiculous forwards.

  7. Jeannie's right...You so totally ROCK!


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