Friday, July 24, 2009

How Often Do You Pay Your Doc a Visit?

When Mom landed herself in the hospital a few weeks ago, the doctor in the emergency room let her have it for refusing to get a physical every year. Obviously going in regularly - and while you're still in good health - prevents underlying conditions from worsening and catches them at treatable stages. But for whatever reason some people just refuse to go. It might not be the funnest thing on Earth, but it's so necessary. Keep these important tests and immunization schedules in mind for your next appointment - unless you want to spend even more time with your doc down the line.



  1. You are so right. This is the argument I get in with my husband, but I am horrible at it as well.

  2. This is good info. SEE THE DOC. I preach, I sometimes don't listen. BUT....I do see the "girly" doc every year. I got over that phobia once I was completely invaded while pregnant, and now I might add a regular doc check up to the list.

  3. Great reminder. I am getting better at going to see the dr every year. This year it's gonna be easier because I'm in every week so far thanks to those allergy shots I need to take. Generally I just go in when I'm feeling poorly, which is often...thanks to the allergies and deviated septum.

  4. janna, it's one of those "easier said than dones," huh?

    tooj, Ha! I'm sure there isn't a part of you that hasn't been poked and prodded already. And yes, add the regular doc, please. I'm sure s/he misses you :)

    ladystyx, oh wow, that's a lot! I thought allergy shots were once a season, but I guess it depends on the medication and person. Either way, good to know. At least s/he will be able to catch any little thing that bugs you!

  5. Haha. I'm just as guilty. I only go when I need some forms signed.

  6. OMG, JK, don't say that!!! You're working towards becoming a doctor for God's sake!!

    Or wait, do you just diagnose your own self?

    Hahaha :p

  7. you're so right, on a lighter note, my friend was complaining she's convinced her doc is biased and will only prescribe meds from whom he's receiving kickbacks. i told her it's time to find a new doctor then she replies, "NO WAY! HE"S HOT!"

  8. Yes, yes, hot doctors have their own separate accreditation standards.

  9. *mumbles*

    I see the doctor every 2-3 months and probably ought to see the head shrinky kind weekly.


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