Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 1: We're Finally Here!

So Anonymous and I are on a plane heading to DR. We had to wake up before the crack of dawn to be out by 4 AM. Ahorita we're going to be two zombies, tu veras.

OK, we've arrived in Santiago and are apparently being stood up at the airport. Anonymous's uncle is supposed to drive us to her family's house in Salcedo and he still isn't here (but then again we did arrive a bit early).

Her uncle eventually showed up and we were on our way to the campo. Her buddy from la capital was waiting for us there and her family greeted us with open arms and delicious food. (We were starving to death pretty much. Chips and soda does not cut it, JetBlue!)

In the afternoon we headed over to the Mirabal sisters museum and hung out in the garden area for a bit. If you've ever read or seen In The Time of the Butterflies or the history book that is The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao then you've heard of the Mirabal sisters and Rafael Trujillo.

The whole day, Anonymous and I were crying for sleep. I was ready to drop at any second, but there was always something else to do: search for food in that ghost town, find a white tank top for Anonymous, visit an infamous certain someone and take cold showers with a bucket of water. It's moments like these that make you appreciate running water.


  1. yay!!! iv'e been waiting forever for this....keep em coming lol.

  2. infamous certain someone=moreno?

    cold dominican showers, mm mm k rico!

    you guys look fab! plz do your dominican dance again, lol.

    ps. ive read both those books, both great!

  3. dariany you respond to this first, and not my email?!!

  4. And rico?? I think not. The first night I had to go "1, 2, 3!!" and splash the water on me. Brrr! Luckily, the next morning the lady who cooks was nice enough to warm some water for us. Bless her heart.

    Btw, there was a toilet, but no running water. Guess how you had to make that stuff go down? By pouring in a bucket of water and praying. Fun times!

  5. she obviously has her priorities in order. hmph.

  6. i have a lovely lady who understands my fear of hot boiling water and heats it up for me... se llama dariany...

    and ew, im praying u didnt have to take dumps, lol

  7. I love DR. Love it!!

  8. Dude, I held it in til I was out of there. But those platanos made it mad hard. The holding it in! Not the...oh never mind.

  9. LMAO! EW!| That is NAST!! (nast- how the young'ns say nasty, you dont know about that)

  10. yes DAMA this lovely lady carried scorching hot water for you EVERYDAY!!! for THREE about we cut it some slack on that email thing huh? ..oooohhhh and lets remember and think forward to better days...cus now we have a gas WATER HEATER!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I don't think I want to know about that. I'm too old for such lang. (lang- how the old fogies say language, you don't know about that).

  12. It's the little things, huh guys?

  13. infamous certain someone=moreno?

    hahahahaha!!! hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

  14. And the water was not cold at all. La agua esta buena.

  15. Hey you guys were like 10 minutes from my house. La tierra donde se hizo eses aeropuerto era de la familia mia hace mucho tiempo

  16. Running water is soooo overrated. I think buckets are trendy and keeps us remembering how times WERE. Hee hee.

  17. Mabelita, really? Does that mean you can fly in there for free ;)

    tooj, is NOT! You can go right ahead and use your buckets, I'll take a nice hot shower over "trendiness" any day.

  18. I had an adventure just reading all these comments... LOL - and I forgot what I was going to say about taking cold showers...

  19. Haha! Hope it didn't wear you out too much!


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