Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Latina Staff Health Challenge

The challenge has finally begun! Here's my intro blurb that appears in our current May issue and I'll be posting weekly updates online (on Tuesdays) along with my two other colleagues! I've been excited about this project for a while and though the beginning wasn't exactly peaches (you'll read about that next week), recently I've been looking forward to stepping on my scale and not cringing at the number staring back at me. I can't wait to reach my goal and hope you'll join me on the journey there!

Image: latina.com


  1. thanks for dropping by ... yeah my titles are kinda weird. love your layout. i learn from the more computer savvy folks. drop by often i will be by to see what your up to as well.
    thanks again for your kinds words.

  2. how exciting! good luck! and yeah, keep us posted.

  3. While I fall in the "need to cut back on my calories " (read: peanut butter eggs are not a food group), I know MANY people who have said, "I need to GAIN". I'll be sure to pass it on to them for some inspiration! GOOD LUCK!!

  4. Best wishes!

    And that smile of yours gets me everytime... :)

  5. I feed mangu down your throat if you like...
    : )

  6. Very fun! Good luck and I will definitely be keeping up with your progress!

  7. Your teeth are glow in the dark! I like lol, and yes Mangu and Locrio con agucate y un jugo de tamarindo

  8. Whew! I hear ya! My upcoming wedding has got me all riled up to lose a few pounds. Five so far in the last five months! Woo!

    Good luck!


Say word.