Sunday, January 11, 2009

I Rang in the Old Age By Having No Shame

Because at the stroke of midnight, Dariany and I were doing this:


  1. You looked like you were having a lot of fun singing! I've never had the nerve to get up and do karaoke in a bar. I'm the wallflower that sits and watches everyone else. I just know if I tried it, I'd embarrass myself horribly.

  2. Oh you need to!! It's so much fun :)

  3. Oh go YOU!! *laffz* You look like ya had a blast. Im with Chicago, never would you get me up there....not even with several drinks in me.

  4. Funny, I cannot for the life of me speak in public. But sing and act like a ham in a crowded bar? I'm so there!

  5. That's awesome! Looks so much fun! Wish I was there to be the backup singer!
    You look so cute!


    OH MY GOSH. I'm always so excited when people I know do karaoke!!! I have never and will never...I can't carry a tune to save my soul, but I will always support a friend! LOL Happy birthday. :)

  7. Oh you are just too young and pretty!! :)

    I'll be ringing in the big 4-0 soon. :)

  8. hahah! i did this song for my 5th grade talent show. i was posh spice, if you'd believe that. ha.

  9. p.s. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet up!
    I have a good friend living up off Lexington and 93d- let me know if you're up for making a new friend who loves life and laughter :]

  10. I see an American Idol contestant....

  11. lmbao happy belated my fellow capricorn - me dec 22 and have a blessed 2009


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