Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vacation and Memory-Keeping Crafts

I'm always collecting new craft ideas to hopefully try in the future (when I stop thinking about it and actually do them) so here are five I found and loved while perusing Martha Stewart's 38 Vacation and Memory-keeping Crafts.

As-You-Go Vacation Keepsake: For those who don't have time to sit down and play with scissors and glue.

Memory Flip Book: A fun flip book made out of short video clips? Done.

Bottle-Cap Magnets and Thumbtacks: Because my fridge could ALWAYS use more magnets.

Baby Face Thumbtacks: I think little floating heads would make anybody smile.

Envelope Books: And this would serve well to collect all these wonderful ideas I might never get around to doing.


  1. AWe floating baby heads! i have been saving bottle caps so i can make me some magnets, just dont know what to put in them just yet. I like that idea of pictures, i have plenty of them.

    Thanks for these great ideas! now i just need to start scrapbooking again!

  2. You can't deny this: Martha know how to do things. Every single idea I love -- okay, maybe the baby face thumbtacks weird me out just a little bit, but if I had a kid, I'd probably go crazy over them. The As-You-Go Vacation Keepsake I think is a brilliant idea, and it would give you something fun to do as you traveled. I'm bookmarking this post for my future too.

    (Also, thank you for your sweet comment -- I'm so glad you liked my blog redesign.

  3. oh, i love the envelope book! i'm a sucker for pretty stationary sets and have tons of them that i could probably make into a book. thanks for sharing this! :)

  4. Yeah, the floating baby head things are kind of ... off-putting.

    Sort of like broken doll heads...


  5. I think that's why they caught my eye; they're so bizarre!

  6. Great crafty ideas, I love the envelope book :)

    L x
    Half Dressed

  7. Love the bottle cap magnets. I have been meaning to do something like that...but caps are hard to come by since we don't drink.


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