Friday, August 13, 2010

Miniature Pencil Point Sculptures

Check out Dalton Ghetti's tiny carvings meticulously sculpted out of pencil graphite. The Brazilian-born Connecticut-based artist/ carpenter has been honing his skill for 25 years using razor blades, sewing needles, sculpting knives, crazy eagle-eye vision and a whole lot of patience to create his designs. A single project can take several months to complete (though his toughest took two and a half years) and once done, Ghetti refuses to sell his pieces, instead choosing to give them away as gifts and sell photos of the finished works.



  1. Those are amazing. I'm in awe of peoples' talents.

  2. Um, wow! I can't imagine having the patience (or the eyesight) for something like that. How incredible though! And the fact that he refuses to sell gives it even more of a wow factor.

  3. rose, I know. My head hurts just thinking about the work he puts into these.

  4. That is absolutely amazing. I am so jealous of his friends because I want one of those so bad. My patience just wouldn't allow me to do something so detail-oriented.

  5. I think photos would be cool. You could line a wall with several of these in a fun room in the house. :)

  6. Yegads... look at how small and tiny and little all those details are!!

    I'd never be able to do something like that -

    I is jealous and admiring and awed.

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