Thursday, August 5, 2010

Book Art

During our stay at the Clement Monterey, a couple pieces of artwork in the hotel really caught my eye: Cara Barer's book art photography. She takes used and unwanted books and manipulates them into unique sculptures using the contents and type of book to determine how she will approach each particular project. "My photographs are mainly a documentation of a physical evolution," Barer explains in her statement. "I have changed a common object into sculpture in a state of flux. The way we choose to research and find information is also in an evolution. I hope to raise questions about these changes, the ephemeral and fragile nature in which we now obtain information, and the future of books."

I don't know why, but I just found this art so fascinating. How long does each piece take to make? Are the book edges already colored or are they dyed afterward? I loved following each page as it twists and curls out of its binding, reaching out past the edges of the photograph, morphing into something more than what it was originally meant to be.



  1. That. Is. So. AMAZING! I love it, my eyes are very happy right now. :)

  2. Do all artists have such lofty opinions of their own ideas? Why don't any of them say, "I thought it would look neat. It did. Hope you liked it."

  3. True. Maybe they do and then just go back and make it sound a lot more profound than it might have originally been. Lord knows when I go into creative mode it's usually without rhyme or reason; it just is. Sometimes it works, sometimes it sucks.

    Although in this case, I can't see how a "failed" attempt would suck.

  4. Wow! Those are amazing. It's a far cry from the Christmas tree I used to make out of a Readers Digest.

  5. I love the second to last one. And I love the concept. I used to tease my boyfriend that someday I'm going to make a sculpture out of his many many phone books and old cell phones.

  6. That is some great and unique art! I think it would be so perfect in a library!

  7. those a beautiful!

    p.s. i gave you an award :)

  8. I love book art! I have bookmarked somewhere instructions for making a wreath out of book pages. I'd love to do it sometime (with a bad book, of course), though I'm not very crafty.

  9. laffs at A's comment and says, "Right on man!"

    I love how the "critics" always use overblown phraseology. Here the artist is wallowing in it.

    "I hope to raise questions about these changes, the ephemeral and fragile nature in which we now obtain information, and the future of books." The written words without the rather cool artwork do beg the question though... What will become of books in the digital age?

  10. Woah they look so amazing and I just read about your trip, it sounds like you had such a lovely time :)

    L x

    Half Dressed


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