And now I just received another text - this time from that guy (he'll get a nickname once I get to know him a bit better). Some girls might frown upon texting as a way of first reaching out, but I am perfectly fine with that. In fact, I prefer it to talking (which is why I'm a writer and not a speaker). His text was simple and short: "Hey, hows it going? This is -- (--'s friend)."
Ladies and gentlemen, we have contact.
Oh no! I just had a thought: what if I replied way too quick? Now he's going to think I'm a thirst bucket. Plus, I've been having second thoughts about the whole thing. Maybe I'm not ready to start talking to other guys. The idea of him and me dating other people still makes me teary-eyed. I dunno...
Mira if you don't text him back I swear at the powers that BE that I will jump out this screen. Forget the whole dating thing.. think of it as you just meeting a new person.. meeting new people is always a fun time guaranteed even when it turns out bad because they make for good stories too... Just roll with the punches and text him back and have fun!....
ReplyDelete: )
I did text him back- soon after I received his. And again, here for your amusement, guys.
ReplyDeleteIt's not too soon. You will never be ready unless you put yourself out there. Good job in texting him back and no one can say that you texted him too fast, your phone was next to you, what were you supposed to do??
ReplyDeleteHelloooooooooooooo can someone clue me in? Did you speak to him? Do you like so far?!!???!
ReplyDeleteI don't know yet. We've been texting since Friday, but I don't really know the guy yet. He crossed over into MySpace messaging last night.
ReplyDeleteOh Okay well slowly but surely you will soon tell whether you like him or not. Hey at least its fun the whole getting to know new people.
ReplyDelete: )
Slowly girl...gotta be careful
ReplyDeleteAyy las botas!