Saturday, April 14, 2012

{Happy Weekend}

Even though my allergies are starting to kick in, I can't get enough of this wonderful weather. Perfect time to head to Central Park or sit at an outdoor cafe and quietly judge all the people passing by. By the way, did everyone and their moms procreate over the winter?? Looks like baby strollers are in style this season.

Order the best arugula and apple salad here and delicious huevos rancheros here.

A meditation tip.


A time-lapse food tour through Melbourne.

A harmonica player's shining moment.

Dyed paper towels.

How to plan a business launch.

Free arrow Photoshop brushes and photo templates.

Balloon bowls.


  1. I feel for those with allergies. My husband has them and it looks like Anna has inherited from him. She has been sneezing NONSTOP.

    That's a pretty cool NYC shot!

    1. Ugh, poor things. I think A. was experiencing his first seasonal allergies, too. I know a couple people who've been suffering out of nowhere this year. I wonder if it was the early spring/warm weather. Either way it sucks.

  2. I'm pleased to say I don't generally have allergy issues. I thankfully grew out of the mild hayfever that came with the asthma I had as a child.

  3. Great NY photo .. with yellow cab AND tulips!!! Darn, it's starting to feel like fall again :) .... mother nature, please make up ur mind!!!


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