Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Magic of Legos

Isn't it incredible how Lego is 78 years old and still inspiring the imaginations of children and adults alike? The toy company opened its Rockefeller Center retail store a few weeks ago and when A. and I went over to check it out, we became two kids again marveling over the mini Lego dioramas on display, creating our own little plastic people and playing with pieces from the giant Pick a Brick wall. Will Legos ever go out of style? No, and when I have a kid I'm totally buying a set for me, I mean us to play with.



  1. Me too! I love those things, but some are a little too advanced for me. I hope they don't become digitalized soon...although I do know the have Lego movies n such...

  2. I never followed the instructions... so my pie chart is slightly different.


    I have a picture somewhere of my Mom standing front of an Independence Hall built from Legos... the building was about 5 feet tall and 7 or 8 feet long. Simply jaw-dropping amazing.

  3. Yes, they have all these special sets that come with computer chips and run like robots! A bit too advanced (read: expensive) for me too, especially if it's for a child, but they're cool. Nothing beats the old school plastic bricks and building whatever you dream up.

    The Pick a Brick wall has bubble compartments full of bricks and elements of all colors and types so you can fill up a plastic container with whatever you'd like. A small container goes for $7.99 and a large one is $14.99. Here's a great review of the store and what it has to offer.

  4. We visited the Lego store down in Florida last year. It was amazing, all the large life-size things they'd built. There was a DRAGON in the water...we're talk feet and feet and feet of lego dragon.

    We have one of those storage tubs with three drawers...about 3 feet tall. All three drawers are filled with the standard and a few non-standard Lego pieces. :) I love that the boys and now Evie gets to play with the one toy I spent hours upon hours using. Some are Till's Legos, some are the ones left over from my childhood.

    Thanks for memory lane drive today!

  5. When my family went down to Disney World ages ago, we stopped by the Lego store too! I remember there was a life-sized Lego man sitting on a bench and we took pictures with him.

    This store has a huge dragon that winds around the store, popping in and out of the ceiling and corners. And the Toys R Us down in Time Square has a giant Empire State Building with a moving King Kong at the top.

    The Lego store also has an area they call the "living room" upstairs where kids can play on the computer and build with some of the pieces. I totally wanted in on that, but I didn't get a chance. Next time I'm going there with a borrowed child and using them to mask my own wish to play with the toys.

  6. My nephews LOVE Legos!! There is a Lego-Land at the Mall of America that they enjoy visiting!

    When the Big Guy and I got married a few months back, to keep the boys entertained at dinner, we gave them each a lego action figure sticker book. I'm not kidding: for 2 hours, I didn't hear a peep out of those kids.

  7. My three boys have legos. My husband will take them to the store to buy more and guess who ends up playing with them? My husband. The kids fight my husband over who gets to play with the new set first. You can never grow out of Legos.

  8. The day we stop enjoying Lego is the day we stop enjoying life :P I loved it as a child: give a kid a box of Lego and that's a world of imagination right there!

  9. YES. I want to buy my kid a Lego set too. Or several. :P I loved to build houses. :D

  10. I love Legos! My son is 18 months and they have toddler blocks called Mega Blocks. I think I love them more than he does! *lol*

  11. LEGOs are the BEST!!! And I love that Oatmeal picture ... so true. Stepping on them really was the worst thing in the world. And no matter how hard you tried not to, it always seemed to happen. :)

    Long live LEGO!!

    - M.

  12. They are just awesome. Children love them. They spend time in arranging them. It build a sense in them. They become more logical by these. We can also provide them with whiteboard paint coated board on which they can write and make figures whatever they want.


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