Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A's Closing Argument in the Toilet Paper Debate

And apparently 68% of you agree. Blah.


  1. This made me laugh, my Mum always used to have a go at me for putting the toilet roll on the holder the wrong way round :S I don't see the issue! lol

    L x

  2. That is a fantastic depiction of right and wrong. :)

  3. Ha! Knew I was right. Now they need to make something like this for loading the dishwasher. My mother always does it the wrong way.

  4. What the hell is the right way to load a dishwasher?! I didn't grow up with one and when I help A. with his, he gives me pointers. I thought the goal was to just stuff as many plates and utensils as possible with smashing everything to bits.

  5. See, I knew there was reasoning behind the "over" argument... you know, over and above "it's just better" or "because I said so" :)

  6. I'm unconvinced even with the graphics...

    ...I'm always gonna be an under the roll man...

  7. i'm afraid i'd have to side on A on this one :)

  8. See, now, I like A's concluding arguements on this. I looks alot nicer than the simple reason that some people see well enough in the dark to get to and get themselves on the toilet but not well enough to find the edge of toilet paper when it's tucked around back like the underpeople like it. And no, we're not about to turn on the light and get fully woken up just to find the toilet tissue. Unless you really want us cranky the next morning...


Say word.