Tuesday, March 23, 2010

World Water Day and Free National Geographic Issue

Even though yesterday was World Water Day, I still wanted to bring your attention to the United Nation's push to improve water quality worldwide. Did you know that although 3/4 of the Earth is covered in water, only 2.5% of it is freshwater and of that, 1% is available for our use? It's easy for us to run to the fridge and grab a glass, but for nearly one billion people, clean water is much harder to access. And according to UNICEF, lack of safe drinking water and proper sanitation contribute to approximately 2.2 million deaths worldwide. Visit US World Water Day to find out how you can help the cause.

The National Geographic Society is also spreading the word on this year's theme - "Clean Water for a Healthy World - by providing a digital edition of their April 2010 "Water: Our Thirsty World" for free download until April 2nd. This interactive issue will not only have everything in the print edition, but animated features, rollover graphics, video profiles and extra photo galleries as well. Hopefully it will open your eyes and inspire you to act. (via Boston.com)

Image: boston.com


  1. I had no idea that only 1% of water is available to us. How fascinating!

  2. Neither did I. Apparently the majority is either locked in snow and ice or in groundwater much too deep to access.

  3. Very informative! I didn't realize that only 1% is available to us either. It is so sad that we take things for granted that others die not ever having. Thinking of how happy some people would be to have a faucet with water makes you really appreciate the simple things.

  4. You are just so darn inspirational. You make us think, feel guilty, want to do something. That's why we love you. To think we've never known a world without water at our fingertips....and people die everyday from what we are given so freely. :(

  5. Thank you, Toojie. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes when I think about the stuff that's wrong with the world, of the people who need help, it's incredibly overwhelming. I mean, it's just one person against all the injustices in the world. I guess we can only do what we can and hope it ripples through to the people around us.

  6. It's so easy to take for granted, clean water. So much of the world's population doesn't even have that...


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