Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 101 Award

Rebel Cinderella awarded me this sweet award yesterday and we all know how much I love cupcakes so I just had to post it. As with all awards around these parts, it comes attached with rules and whatnot:

1. When you receive this award you must thank the person that awarded you this in the new post.
2. Name 10 things that make you happy.
3. Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers and inform the winners.

My current list of happy:

1. Consecutive days of 50+ degree weather
2. Strolling through Central Park and hanging out at Barnes and Noble with A.
3. Wearing my jungle green H&M jacket again
4. Spending time with the sis...even if it is to do her bf's linguistics homework
5. A little brother who's no longer ashamed to talk to his older sisters about anything
6. Working in the office (and talking to people!) for a week to cover for my friend
7. Now that it's warm, taking Toby for a walk
8. Sending random letters and little goodies to friends
9. As frustrating as it is sometimes, the fact that I have a career I enjoy
10. How much volunteering with kids makes me want to be a mom someday (let's go ahead and list this under scary as well)

Passing it on to:

1. Sugarlens
2. Not Your Average Ordinary
3. Joy De Vivre Design
4. I Hate So Much...
5. How About Orange
6. A Peek at Karen's World
7. Circling the Square Table
8. Freefalling Me
9. The World is My Oyster
10. Starbucks Break


  1. Congrats on your award. And I love you list. Plus I think you have a great blog title.

  2. Thank you for the award (and the first one on the list, no less!)!

    I am happy about the weather too, although it is supposed to rain starting tonight until the weekend.

  3. And just like that you lost your award.


  4. God those sentences were ridic. He told me he tried to do some and couldn't come up with anything as coherent as ours, lol.

    Where do you volunteer? What do you do? what age group are the kids?

  5. I should give that to our copy editor and see what he comes up with. I think his head would explode.

    I've been volunteering at the Inwood library with NY Cares again. We read and do arts and crafts with the kids while their parents learn English. They're usually elementary school age, but since I started going, I've been pairing up with 5-year-old girl and her 4-year-old brother because they're mostly Spanish speakers. Soooo stinking cute and such bundles of energy The Entire Time. Super smart too. They've practically memorized the books we keep reading, so I'm like, "You know what? Read the joint to me." Shoot, last night was the first time I'd read Harold and the Purple Crayon...or whatever it's called.

    Anywho, kids = adorable. I think A. is a bit scared now, lol!

  6. Congrats to all the award winners (and even to the one that lost it too!)

    Its nice to see some happy, happy, happy!


  7. God maybe I should go with you and be reminded what kids look like at their cute and normal stage, cuz after being at this Middle School and counseling my clients I don't think I'll ever get off birth control.

  8. Oh sibling time is so much fun!

    I'm glad my sister is finally to the age where she likes hanging out with me.

  9. Congrats on your award! You have great list. What wonderful things to be happy for! Stopping by from SITS!

  10. I'm telling you, living in the city - you're lucky! And the consecutive days of 50+ degree, you gotta love it!

    FL has had such cold days (lows in 30 - 40 degrees non-stop for over two months) - We're finally warming up, too. Stay warm girlfriend!

    Miss you! xoxo

  11. Congrats. I love getting! I like that you have a "HAPPY LIST"... I might steal the idea. So easy to think negative thoughts in life. Good for you!

  12. Heidi la linda y bellaMarch 11, 2010 at 3:58 PM

    I'm happy you're happy. I've been feeling sort of content lately. Wait, let me knock on wood before I jinx it.

  13. Heidi la hermosa y maravillosaMarch 11, 2010 at 4:02 PM

    My fave by the way was number 5- the little brother part. That warms my heart

  14. I KNOW Josh Is Trashy had to be #11. I mean, what's sweeter than my made-up profanitiez and brutally judging celebrities who have done nuffin' to me?!

  15. Thanks so much for the award!
    You have a great list. A nice stroll in Central Park is always awesome and even better for you now that you have A to share it with! #10 would be so rewarding. Kids are adorable especially when you feel as if you are making a difference.

  16. :) You made my day.

    And I also officially declare you and A nerds. Hubs and I hang out at Barnes and Noble too. Weird. Nerdy. Fun.

    Mom-by-Trial can be something I start as a side business. Let me know if you'd like one shipped to you for a few days.

  17. Ha! This morning he and I were talking about this blog post that's been milling about my head for weeks now. I have to collect a few more before I share, but it's basically detailing how nerdy this relationship is. And by "this relationship" I mean him.

  18. hi dorkys!
    i'm not sure how i missed this on my reader, so i'm a bit too late..thanks so much for the award. i love your list, esp #8 :)

  19. Congrats on the

    Thanks for the little shout out too. :) I love dropping in on your blog. Check mine if you wish sometime

    RC x


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