Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Live Like You're Dying

Live like you have something to live for.

Sometimes I feel like I'm shyly shuffling through this existence instead of busting moves; at a constant conflict between believing I can do something great in my lifetime and doubting my ability to create any significant change. So the following list is not just for you, but for me too. It's to remind me that life shouldn't be lived in fear, but rather with intention.

1. Do you truly love what you do? (I do.) If not, why are you spending a single second cultivating your unhappiness? Find your passion, fiercely believe in it and do it. Ditch the self-doubt.

2. Aim to leave the world better than how you entered it. If you could incite action, what would you have us do? Whatever it is, remember it starts with you.

3. Find inspiration around you. Devour life. Celebrate that you've made it this far. Remember that "life is f-ing beautiful" with all its mind-boggling complexities.

4. Would you rather tell or be told? We only have but so much time so put it to good use. Step away from the computer, go outside and experience the world firsthand.

5. Learn something new if not everyday, then every week. See things from a different perspective. Avoid monotony. Allergies aside, it won't kill you to try something new on the menu.

6. Make no room for toxicity. Be it a substance, person, place or idea, decide you deserve better than that and fight hard to move on. Be unbelievably wonderful to yourself.

7. Recognize your limits, but don't let them define you. Need help? Then ask for it! Just remember to pay it forward by helping someone else rise along with you.

8. Laughing is just as important as the rest of your fitness regimen. Find the funny.

9. If someone breaks your heart, pick up the pieces and fall in love again and again. Be fearless. Stop beating around the bush, say what you feel and make sure you're heard.

10. "Nothing will work unless you do," says Maya Angelou. So what are you waiting for?

Image: via (oh, hello friend) you are loved


  1. I always find the funny, makes life SO much easier.

  2. Good list, especially the toxicity point. It really brings you down and you really feel better once you get rid of it!

    I think as an addendum to #10 is learn to enjoy hard work - it pays off in the end!

  3. Doing what you love is great in theory. But it's not paying the bills!

    I do agree with this list, though. Great things to remember. I don't know why people are so content to work all day, sit on the couch all night and never DO anything!

  4. thatgirlblogs, it's an awesome way to live. I need to do more of it!

    kate, a good addition and one that could also fit in the first point of doing what you love. Along with passion, you have to put in sweat and hours of hard work to be successful at it.

    karen, if you watch the linked video to Gary Vaynerchuk's speech (that moved me to write this), you'll understand why "I can't do what I love because I have to work this lame 9-5 and pay bills" is just an excuse. If you loved what you love as much as you say/think you do, then you'd get home from that day job and spend your nights or weekends doing what you really want to do. You're not just going to wake up one morning and have this fun awesome life in front of you. It takes a commitment.

    I was beyond freaked when I didn't pursue architecture after I graduated and decided to jump off the cliff and try something entirely different. Would I have made more money as an architect? Hell yeah. Would it have gone straight into therapy to help me cope with my unfulfilled existence? Absolutely. I don't regret that leap for one second. In fact, I want to keep making leap after leap.

  5. I really needed to read this post. I've been wallowing in self pity for awhile because I'm unhappy with what I do for work. Unfortunately I can't change it right now because it pays well. But I CAN do the other things on this list and make the most of my life. I love #6. I'm a firm believer that life is too short to have toxic people in my life.
    I also love #8. After a crappy day at work I came home to my fiance and we laughed for hours. It was a great end to the day!

  6. "...I'm unhappy with what I do for work. Unfortunately I can't change it right now because it pays well."

    Someone please explain this concept to me.

  7. Great great list. And I attribute my nice stomach (well the one I used to have) to laughing so much

  8. love this post - everything you wrote is so true. and i love the maya angelou quote at the end!

  9. Thanks for this great list. I especially need to work on #5.

  10. Great post! I completely agree with them all. #6 is my favorite one and something that I have tried to live by the last few years. It has helped my stress level come down to levels never seen by me before!

    I agree you should love what you do and also your job doesn't have to be the be all and end all. I love my job, because it allows me the opportunity to help many people live a better quality of life, but it doesn't do anything for my creative side. That is why I am going to school for design and write my blog.

  11. Girl, bust 'em! You gotta!

    I feel like I spend a lot of time not doing/living and when I do, I make sure I get extra carefree and crunknificent :P

  12. Happy SITS Day!

    Great list... very inspiring and gives one so much to think about.

  13. great list! congrats on your sits day...i am going to spend a bit of time lurking around your site :)
    happy friday

  14. Finding the light in the dark. Agreed.

  15. Very well said. Stopping by from SITS! Happy SITS day!

  16. here from sits! i'm a new york city girl living in utah, of all places. love the list, especially #4: i would ALWAYS rather tell! happy sits day!

  17. here from sits! i'm a new york city girl living in utah, of all places. love the list, especially #4: i would ALWAYS rather tell! happy sits day!

  18. Great post with great sentiments!

    Found you through SITS and now following.

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  19. This is beautiful -- absolutely loved this list. You're a terrific writer...and I'm another new follower as well. Congrats for being SITs FB!

  20. Stopping by from SITS!

    Fantastic thoughts and words to live by!

  21. Love that Angelou quote

    Happy SITS day. I really love your writing!

  22. Fantastic list! "Nothing works unless you do" is such a great quote. It's good to remember that the things we want in life, the passions that define us, can still feel like WORK, even after we decide to pursue them. Thanks!

  23. Wow this came at a perfect time for me. I am currently trying to figure out who I want to be. I'm going to keep this list handy!
    Happy SITS day!

  24. Happy SITS day :)
    You've got a fantastic blog


  25. I love NY I lived there for 4 months I could come back right away and live angain there ! happy sists day !

  26. oh...thank you so much^^ This is beautiful!

  27. Congrats on your SITS day! Oh what a wonderful that's the important things in life we should remember xx

  28. wonderful post! I shared it on my FB fanpage!

  29. Great advice! I'm happy to say I do all of those things in my life:)
    Have a great day in the spotlight!

  30. Happy SITS day, I love your list :)

  31. well said. thanks for sharing this list :)

  32. Wow, that was great and so true! Thanks for sharing that with us!!! Have a happy SITS day!!! HUGS

  33. Happy Sits day to you girl. I like what you say " don't live life in fear but live it with intension". Have a wonderful Friday.

  34. Happy SITS day! I'm so glad I stopped by. This list is great, because it reminds me of some of the things I lose sight of sometimes. Number 1 is my favorite.

  35. Thanks for sharing, I needed these words today.

  36. I really liked the list and the energy of the post and site as a whole. The positive vibe is refreshing.

  37. Excellent post. Glad I found you, just needed a boost.

  38. Well, Miss NYC lady, those are some good points!

    I agree that it's so important to step away from telling and get to doing! How can one write unless one's experienced . . . anything?

    I'm going to look for the funny today. :)

    Happy SITS day!

  39. Another thing to shake up your life is to choose a different place to sit when you go to the same place all the time. Such as church, on the bus, maybe a class, etc. I notice people tend to sit in the same area on the bus every day and at church every week. Wonder why that is.

    You have good advice here!

    Visiting from SITS--congrats on your SITS day!

  40. Such an inspiring post! Especially early in the morning! Gives me a chance to re-think my day!

  41. "Devour life."

    Absolutely the best phrase I think I've seen in a very long time.

  42. Happy SITS day to you. What a perfectly charming post here. I'm follow for sure. Off to look around


  43. Great list!
    Happy SITS day!

  44. Happy SITS day!

    I loved the list!

    Just became a follower.... when the dust settles ~ stop by and visit

  45. This is an awesome post. I am always writing about how we are in control of what we think... and if it's bad, we have the power to change our thinking.

    Stopping by from SITS and very glad I did.

  46. Such a positive and uplifting list...Happy SITS day!

  47. So inspiring. There are things on my to do list that I have put off because of self doubt or fears. Thanks for the inspiration! Congrats on your SITS day!

  48. lovely post.
    the caption reminds me of the lauryn hill song - i paraphrase -
    die for me, die for me.
    why don't you live for me?

    i love this advice and what you're saying. my damn it that my problem is not knowing what to run towards...

    happy sits day!

  49. Thank you for this. I really needed it today. And happy SITS day to you too!

  50. This really spoke to me. I spend so much of my life "existing" and I often think that this is not an optimal way to go through this thing called life. You've inspired me - found ya through SITS...I will definitely be back to read more :)

  51. Happy SITS day! I totally agree with the toxicity thing and the last one (the quote)! Great post! :)

  52. I love your sentiments here from a fellow NYC blogger.

    Happy SITS Day!!!

    Sadie at heyMamas

  53. Great advice :D

    Happy SITS day!

  54. I think I may just have to print out your list and take a look at every now an then, when I have any little dark moments.. Happy Sits day, glad to have found you here.

  55. Happy SITS Day from one SITSTA to another!


  56. Hope you're enjoying your SITS day! This is a beautiful post-- I am so often guilty of looking ahead for "what's next", rather than enjoying each and every minute of what I have right now. Thanks for reminding me :)

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  57. Happy sits day! What a great list!

  58. What a great list! And, frankly, I always try to find the funny. How else could I survive the insanity of my crazy life??? :) Happy SITS!

  59. Great list!

    Love how you put this... Something definately to pass on!

  60. Thanks for the reminders! You have such a positive affirming attitude towards life, very uplifting :)Love that last quote!

  61. Happy SITS Day honey!!!! Woooo Hoooo!!!! It's finally here!

    Awesome post. You know I'm all about the happiness - *wink*.

  62. I love this list! Congrats on your SITS day. Bask in the glory girl!

  63. Happy SITS Day! I love your perspective. Very inspiring. Off to read more of your blog.

  64. Congrats on your SITS day!! I also LOVE Karen's idea of shaking life up just by sitting somewhere different, it's true that it can really give you a different pov & you can meet new people :)

  65. Happy SITS day! You mentioned two of my mottos in life: Be Passionate and Be Fearless. Life in entirely too short to life randomly, or in fear. See what you want and go get it!

  66. This is a really great post! Thank you so much!

  67. Hi, Happy SITS day! this is a great post. Yes life is too short to be miserable. have a great weekend.

  68. Happy SITS day! I love this post & might just print it out. As a SAHM, it's hard sometimes to stay positive & look for the lessons & joy in what I do. Thanks for the reminder! Enjoy your day.

  69. Great article:) I love # 6 and #8. It's so powerful! Thanks.

  70. Here from SITS! Love these thoughts and reminders!

  71. I <3 this list! All things I struggle with, but I'm struggling to do every single day!

  72. What a great post! That list is full of things of which I need to remind myself on a regular basis.

    Thanks for the reminder today :)

    Stopping by from SITS; enjoy your day!

  73. Some great "life" tips there Happy sits day!!

  74. Love this post! Everything in it is exactly what I need to hear to get me out of my slump and on to finding my inner happiness!


  75. Happy SITS day to you!! I love this post. I wake up every morning optimistic and ready for wonder and delight. Sometimes I am disappointed, but I always remember that tomorrow will be another day.

  76. What a GREAT list & a great message! Life is good :)

  77. I'm impressed with your wonderful list. And impressed that being a young woman, you have so much wisdom. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.

  78. What a wonderful post. I love the new spin on your take on life! It is way more positive than "live as if you were dying" but still getting the same point across.

  79. I finally got on your blog! I couldn't get on your blog at work because it said you had "inappropriate content"--Where's the inappropriate stuff? Been waiting all day.....

    Oh, well, I'm going to spend some time reading a blog from a city girl. I'm a true, red country girl! Never been to New York City. But I have seen just about every "Law and Order" episode. Does that count??

    Check out my blog when you can. But please be patient right now. Blogger has come out with new templates and I'm playing around with them!!

    Great to meet a real city girl!

  80. That was a lovely list, I really needed to read that this morning. It was a challenging week and I really needed something like this to end/start on.
    Thank you!

    Love ND

    PS. Happy SITS day

  81. I needed this today. Thanks and Happy SITS day!!!

  82. Great advice! It is easier to fall back on old habits, instead of going for what might actually bring happiness...

    Happy SITS Feature Day!

  83. What an inspiring post!! Thank you so much! I will have to link back to this on my blog! Happy SITS!!

  84. To learn something new and to laugh every day - that's happiness! Thanks for that timely reminder, SITstah :D

  85. omigoodness... that vid you linked to was funny.

  86. I'm sure there is nothing I can add to 95 comments... :)


Say word.