Friday, October 8, 2010

Fridays Are Going to Mean Something Again...


  1. I don't Tweet (I know 2010, who doesn't Tweet) so can I take an educated guess and say Travel & Leisure? Even if i'm wrong, WAY TO GO ON A NEW JOB! Hope you love it!

  2. Saw this on my google reader and just have to hop on over and say congrats! You are too cute.

    No need for me to wish you a good weekend, I am sure you will have one!

  3. R, YES! Thanks and I really think/ hope I will!

    sugarlens, well you know I couldn't announce this some boring, old way now ;)

  4. Travel and Leisure?! Way to go and Congrats!!!

  5. Travel and Leisure?! ¡Perfecto!

    Wow! I can't imagine a much better place for you to be!

    Wooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooo!!!

    :) Does happy dance with you!

    p.s., SugarLens is right - you look so durn cute!!!

  6. I'm super jealous!! Have fun over there!! I didn't know you were a travelista too!!

  7. PS- From Monday to today, you seemed to have had a great recovery!!


    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I'm so happy for you, Dorkys! You're awesome!

  9. AWESOME NEWS!!! That is just exciting!!! I loved the way you announced it as well. You go!!!

  10. Thank god someone guessed it because I had no idea... I don't tweet either but I still linked over and it didn't help one bit....Congrats...Do you travel for free now? If so can you take a very loving cousin with you (hint hint that's me)? btw. I can't die without seeing Greece... Just a thought.

  11. Your announcement is too cute!! Congrats on the new job - it sounds awesome!

  12. Yay! I start a new job this coming week also! Maybe there is something in the air?

  13. I'm with Iggy and're adorable. :) In a sisterly kinda way....of course.

    I'm so excited for you and next week you'll knock 'em dead. It'll be great to hear your work stories!

  14. Congrats!! So happy for you!

  15. Wow wow wow! Congratulations! This is great news, and I can see by your happy dance. I love this post -- so cute!

  16. THIS POST WAS MAD ADORBZ! Good luck & congratz!

  17. That is fabulous and I loved how you announced it! Good Luck!

  18. Congratulations!! You're too cute :)

  19. Oh you guys are too sweet! Thanks so much for riding out the last few months with me, reading and sharing your thoughts and advice (and putting up with my whining) when things were uncertain on my end. It means a lot and I couldn't wait to share my news with you. Here's to the next phase!

  20. P.S. Remember when my co-workers revealed that they read my blog, saw this announcement and actually thought it was cute?! Aack! I wanted to hide under a rock, but thanks for reading. You know who you are :p

  21. Congrats! I'm so happy for you. What a perfect place for you to be . :)


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