And I want to do this the right way so that means I can't binge on Mickey D's like I have in the past. I'm going to reach for the fruits and veggies instead of the fries and snack on oatmeal and nuts. I also have to consume tons of protein, which is gonna be a task since I suck at cooking meat. Of course if I want to eat junk I can and will because I cannot for the life of me understand people who deprive themselves for the sake of losing weight. I'm just trying to go for the healthier route to see if this time the pounds will stick around for a while.
Like I said, I've tried this before and have always fallen off the wagon after a couple days because I'm either lazy, tired or just don't care. Maybe sharing it with you guys will make me more accountable. Tonight I'm going to make myself some pasta with steamed broccoli. I'm also cutting up some fruits to make a smoothie either tonight if there's time or tomorrow. That'll be a nice morning drink that'll pack a punch and get in my fruit servings of the day. Yum!
According to Nutrition Data, I need to consume at least 1740 kcal to maintain my current weight. But since I want to gradually move to a healthier one, I'll be planning my weekly meals with and aim for a daily intake of at least 1800 calories. So let's see how this goes.
I would say eat lots of rice. Eat dinner later in the day that way you don't burn all the calories you consume. So just do carbs, protein and veggies. And make sure that you have a heavy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
ReplyDeleteFruits and vegetables won't help you put on the weight, they will help you be healthy but you won't gain weight by eating them unless you eat them with other foods that are higher in fat/calories.
Anyways, you'll reach your dream weight and when you do you'll be really happy about it :)
ReplyDeleteOh I know I won't gain much just by eating fruits and veggies but I want to make sure I get vitamins in my system. I not only want to put on the pounds, I want to be healthy too. Then I won't feel and look so tired all the time.
ReplyDeleteI was inputting some meals into the planner last night and it was actually fun! I was on the computer looking at the chart thinking, "hmmm, I clearly need more milk in my diet so what can I do about that? I know! I'll add milk to my smoothie and snack on yogurt (Dannon Activia to be exact)!"
I knew that would be my needs improvement area anyway because of my lactose intolerance. So yesterday I went to Duane Reade and bought a 60-pack of Lactaid pills. So I'm set :)
Oh! And I have yet to eat any breakfast and my coworker just treated me with a chocolate cupcake. Eeek! I'm bad.
ReplyDeleteI'll make up for it by toasting 3 slices of whole wheat bread and spreading peanut butter on them. And I'll top it off with a cup of hot tea.
Owie, now my tummy hurts :(
ReplyDeleteI'm such a dope.
Claro, te comiste una bomba moloto. LOL.
ReplyDeleteJust make sure you have 3 big meals and then 2 snacks a day.
What on earth is a "bomba moloto??" Either way it doesn't sound too appetizing.
ReplyDeleteAnd it still hurts a wittle. Boo.
I don't know what it is. I guess its just a mixture of weird stuff.
ReplyDeleteyes, weird stuff que cae como una bomba and explodes in your stomach. Well I ate my leftovers from last night for lunch today so I'm okie doke for now.
ReplyDeletelactaid milk is good too i think it tastes better than regular milk...i dunno i just dont like having to take those pills plus they make me nauseous
ReplyDeleteBut recently even Lactaid milk was making my tummy hurt. I'd have it with cereal and I'll be hurting minutes later. I just don't want to risk it especially with my stomach being so damn sensitive all the time. I hate taking those pills too and then wind up having to pay for my stupidity later. They don't make me nauseous at all though, I'm just too lazy to pop pills!
ReplyDeleteOh but that goes with every other pill too. I've never been much of a voluntary pill popper. If I have a headache or cramps I'll suffer through it because I don't like taking meds for every little thing unless I absolutely have to. The only meds I take like candy is pepto because, well, clearly we all know why now.
ReplyDeletelol yeah im like that too...have u ever had that liquid antibiotico from dr omg it tastes delicious i feel like one spoonful is not enough...but yeah i dont like taking pills i feel like if i do ill get dependent on it, like yeah my headache will be gone faster but because of that pill i will get another one sooner and then it begins a cycle of pills and headaches just so id buy the me crazy but thats my theory
ReplyDeleteYesss!! OMG that pink stuff tastes so good. Especially chilled. Man we're sick.
ReplyDeleteAnd my theory is more that when I really do need the medicine it won't work because my body will get used to it.
yeah i think that too lol...just like how roaches become immune to the sprays lol...i bet theyll never become immune to the good ol' chancleta
ReplyDeleteWell, I take lots and lots of pills, I eat them like candy. Yesterday alone I took 6 motrins. 6. Yes I know, I'm insane. But I just can't deal with pain.
ReplyDeletePain makes me nauseous and when that happens I get very bitter and upset. So I take medications.
I hate liquid antibiotico, but I sure love me some old school Gomenol con Miel de Abeja when I have a cold. YUMMO!!
oh my god i hate miel de abeja...i use to be forced to drink that crap... to this day just thinking about it and smelling it makes me sick all over again
ReplyDeleteNo actually! I grew up on this nasty concoction my mom used to make when we were sick with aceites from la botanica and she'd mix it with honey to make it taste "better". So for the first 13/14 years of my life I thought that's what honey tasted like, totally disgusting.
ReplyDeleteThen when I had it by itself I was shocked I tell you, SHOCKED! It actually tastes good :)
Sorry if I am being redundant.. I read the first two sentences....but try eating pasta, pasta, throw in some corn, rice, and bread. Drink at least one glass of milk per day. Eat heavy breakfast (pancakes baby!!).. skip the bacon and cheese and all that nonsense. Cut the fast food! Have a slice of pizza here and there.. Cut the HOTDOGS! Hotdogs are gross if you know what they put in there... Eat avocado with your dinner and have meat EVERYDAY..
ReplyDelete: )
Yea, I am not crazy about hot dogs either.
ReplyDeleteIts all about the carb and protein combo.
But then how on earth am I supposed to beat Joey Chestnut at the Hot Dog Eating contest next year ;)
ReplyDeleteyeah that concoction is probably what i had too i know it had some chunks of something in it...i dunno it was horrible... once she tried to be nice and make it into a tea and omg lets just say i didnt make it to the bathroom
ReplyDeleteHahaha, oh man that sucks. Yeah, what is it with our parents and those disgusting home remedies from back in the day? I bet the FDA would never approve those. Who knows WHAT we downed as children and the effects they had on us.
ReplyDeleteok so I didn't want to post a comment on this one, pero I had to jump in... so hows logging your meals going? First of try using the website, once you look at you will understand. Second, you need to get some kind of working out in there, dont worry you wont loose much weight if your eating the right stuff, you just need to get your metabolism up, that way you will have more energy during the day. Third.... you do not need to eat lots of rice and pancakes.... you just need to eat foods from every food group EVERY day and cut back on sugar. Fourth, as of Sept 1st start logging all your foods and counting calories, making sure to get all those food groups in, once you've been doing that for a while by the time Oct rolls around you will never need to count calories anymore because you will be acustomed to what your eating. Fifth, when you go grocery shopping try to stay in the perimeter of the super market... that means only shopping for veggies, fruits, yogurts, milk, cheese, protein and go in the isles for bread, tuna and an occasional snack. If your having a hard time cooking meats (chicken, fish, and an occasional steak) buy some protein powder to put in your breakfast smoothies in the morning. Eggs, almonds and beans have lots of protein too... Never skip breakfast... k I will be charging for any additional advice... let me know if you want me to give you a grocery list. Start power walking if you don't have access to a gym and doing wall squats and push ups at home. K thats enough... you know how to reach me ;)
ReplyDeleteone more thing... it takes at least 2 weeks to stick to a habit.... so don't do it for one week and then give up. When you want some ice cream or a cookie, eat it, dont deprive yourself. Thats what leads to binging. Moderation is key... give it two weeks... Pack a lunch, take your breakfast with you.. be creative with food... I have so many food ideas and websites if you need them ;)
ReplyDeleteOK, so this is what I did for a couple weeks until I saw no weight gain and lost all motivation:
ReplyDeleteI went to each day to put in what I had eaten and make sure I was getting at least 1,800 calories a day. I counted calories in everything I ate and kept track. I'd bring in a sandwich for lunch be it ham or pb&j and some tea for breakfast. Then I'd bring in lunch as well and tried to eat a healthy dinner with veggies once I got home. I made smoothies everyday to pack in my fruits and dairy. I kept snacks at my desk (peanuts, wheat crackers, even peanut butter and oatmeal) for when those mid-day cravings came around.
Then I just stopped/got tired. Buying a scale to keep track of my weight didn't help because it just kept going lower and lower. Of course I loooooove walking all over the place. I can walk for miles and often walked the length of Central Park after work when it was nice out. But in the last week I put away the scale and stopped walking all over the place. My reason? Because my metabolism is already high and I don't consume enough calories to keep up with the amount I burn.
So I figured it'd be best if I just start pigging out again and live a sedentary life (I started taking the dumb bus again to the train station and it's been killing me because I love walking). Maybe once my weight goes back up I can start worrying about staying fit and managing the few pounds I do have. Now I just want to gain in any way, shape or form.
I'd love to hear what other tips you have and thanks so much for the input. I always know who I can count on for this stuff :)
no no no keep walking, your heart needs that.... just cuz your small doesn't mean you can stay healthy. Your body needs physical activity every day. You really wont loose that much more weight, just eat extra calories (peanut butter and other nuts is a quick way to get lots ) and stop binging on porqueria. You'll be creating a future for clogged arteries that way.... just walk and eat, basic. If its a headache to count calories, at least continue to eat healthy and more.
ReplyDeleteI truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I can say with 99% certainty that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about almost every day.
(Submitted using R4Post for R4i Nintendo DS.)