Friday, January 27, 2012

Souvenir Foto School

Just earlier this week, I went out for a walk around midtown with A., our Canon Rebel, and all the intentions of taking some every day shots of the city. But every time I took the lens cap off to shoot something, anything, I just wasn't inspired enough to click open the shutter. "I really need a photo project," I sighed. Perhaps focusing on some goal would get the creative photo gears moving, make me pay more attention, and feel more comfortable running around with this relatively new piece of equipment.

Well on Wednesday I read Ez's post about Miss B's Souvenir Foto School and I immediately wanted in (and lucky me, I got the last scholarship spot that was awarded)! Using prompts that begin with each letter of the alphabet, we're going to challenge ourselves and shoot a photo a day for 30 days. The goal is to gain confidence, ask questions, participate in this creative community, get inspired, and improve your techniques along the way. If Miss B's daily photo editing Project MMXII is any proof, I think we're in very good hands.

Class starts February 1st and I'll be posting my photos here each day. Here's hoping they turn out all right because I'd love nothing more than to rely a little less on other people's beautiful photos and just use my own around here.



  1. Look forward to seeing your photos!! Man, I miss the dark room...

    1. Reminds me of the 365 day photo project we were going to take on a few years back. This should be a lot more feasible. At least we get a little prompt to get ideas going. Can't wait to share!

      And yes, I miss developing film photos too, but it's so expensive to rent a darkroom for a couple hours here! At one point I was even considering taking a photo class just so I could have access to equipment after hours.

    2. Omg the 365 project. Man, who were we kidding.

  2. Ooooo. I might secretly try something similar myself. Whether I ever share it is another story. But I have been needing inspiration to just take photos period, of my kiddos and whatnot. Thanks for a jump start that was desperately needed. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. Funny alphabet they have... 30 days...


    I hope you enjoy! (and go back and get the "A").

    1. We're allowed four free days to either take off or reshoot any letters. So there!


Say word.