Monday, May 17, 2010

This Jet-Setter's Back

After boarding nine planes, visiting two countries and making a bunch of new friends* in a three-week span, I'm a little ready to settle back into my regular life. There were moments where I completely forgot what city I'd been in the day before or what day it was (last week, for example, had three Fridays). This traveling stint has been incredible, but right now I'm looking forward to sleeping in my bed, hanging out with my loved ones again and feeling productive.

So this is to say that I'm back, ready to bust out articles and posts, motivated and excited for what's to come. Life's unbelievably good right now. I hope yours is too :)

* Just wanted to add that as wonderful as my international trips were, this last one to Miami included the best and most diverse group of journalists I've had the pleasure to meet. Imagine spending five days eating, laughing, learning and talking with people from Munich, Montreal, Sao Paulo, London and Mexico City. We clicked instantly over language/cultural explanations, alligators and wine all the while realizing how similar we actually were. And when one of us suffered a family tragedy during the trip, we pulled together to console him as if we'd known him forever. I was definitely sad when our little group had to part ways and fly back to our corners of the world.


  1. Glad you had a great trip! And glad you made it back safe and sound!

  2. Yay, you are back.

    Nine planes? Yikes! I bet you are happy to be on the ground. :)

  3. Welcome back! I used that picture in a post last week, so I can imagine how you're feeling! Hope you're rested soon.

  4. It sounds like a wonderful trip....sort of fairytale like. At least from my perspective at this moment in time. :) Glad to hear you're back safe and sound.

  5. I'm glad you had a great time, though sorry for your new found friend who suffered a family tragedy.

  6. I wasn't quite as globetrotty (is that a word? Well it is now) as you Little One, but I feel ya! And what a group we were ...

    As they say: We'll always have Miami. ;-)

    Lots of love,

  7. karen, thanks! I feel like I've been MIA forever.

    sugarlens, I was getting a bit concerned. The more planes I boarded, the higher the likelihood of crashing and dying in one. Such pleasant thoughts, huh?

    jen, I've been in a constant state of tiredness this month. Now I finally get a chance to catch my breath a bit.

    tooj, it was somewhat surreal that I had a chance to travel so much in such a short amount of time. I consider myself very lucky. I hope there are many more opportunities in the future...though I wouldn't mind if they were a bit more spread out :)

    toriz, yes, we were all emotional too. I keep thinking about him and his family and hope they're coping as best they can.

    miranda, I know! When I signed up for the trip I didn't know I was going to take culture/language lessons too. I miss us :/

  8. So happy to see you home safely.

  9. Welcome home - :)

    There's no place like home... someone said that, somewhere...


Say word.