Monday, February 1, 2010

Lost: The Final Season Preview

And after waiting ages for this day to arrive, the time is almost here: Lost (ABC, Tuesdays at 8 PM EST) returns tomorrow for one last season. Too bad that a) I forgot what happened last season and b) I don't even have cable anymore. Thank God for online episodes. Check out the first four minutes here!

P.S. Because I have to watch the show online, it means I won't see them til at least a day later. In other words, don't come back here and spoil it for me!



  1. Yes I cannot for the life of me remember what happened last season either. On iTunes you can download a free 45 minute recap of last season. We are going to watch it tonight to be all ready for tomorrow.

  2. I can't wait!! I wanted to watch the last season again before the new ones started but ran out of time.

  3. I just watched the recap episode. It really helped with catching up! In all honesty though, I am ready for the show to be over and finding out what it is all about.

  4. I couldn't spoil anything if I wanted to....I don't watch it. :) Of course, I haven't watched an actual TV show since the summer. Been too busy with basketball.

  5. sugarlens, me too! I really hope they're able to tie up all the loose ends because this series has just been questions after questions.

  6. It is recording right now and as soon as my kids go to bed I'm watching! Can not wait!!!


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