Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Gifts to 30 Strangers in Sydney

A week after I posted Lucas Jatobá's Adeu, Barcelona video where he filled the city's skies with free theater tickets tied to balloons, he sent me his latest project from Australia along with a message about the importance of giving back. For his 30th birthday, the Brazilian art director went around Sydney to give 30 gifts to 30 strangers. "I wanted to people see how good is to be grateful and kind with everyone, not only with your family and friends," he says. "We are all brothers and we share the same home, Planet Earth, so we need to be kind and good with EVERYONE."

My own milestone birthday is only four months away and it's turning out to be quite the motivator. Rather than dread entering a new decade, I'd rather use it to push me to accomplish big things and prep myself for the bigger things to come.

Do (or did) any of you have any major goals you'd like to make happen before hitting 30?


  1. I did. Used to have the goal of wife and kid(s)...

    The birthday coming up huh.. and little Anna's mom just had her 29th...

    I hope all this hanging out with the youngsters help keep me young.


  2. I had a list of 29 things that I wanted to do before 30 and did maybe half of them, the rest I did while I was 30...the big ones were to learn a foreign language and take up dancing, which I'm still doing.

    Btw, been keeping up with your travels and loved the stories. Seems like you've fallen in love with Paris. Can't blame you. :)

  3. I had a list, and its actually the reason I started my blog. What a great video - made me tear up a bit.

  4. Ohh yes i can't believe that 30 is approaching for us. Times has def flown by since our H.s days at tech..I hate when people ask "Do you feel like you are about to be 30?" what exactly is 30 supposed to feel like like.. I still consider it young, it's certainly not old..
    I'm happily married and have 2 kids, finishing my masters in education so i feel fulfillment in those respects. I would love to travel more and be self-employed. Looking back i wish i would have pursued more of my creative interests which is why i've started my blog My parents thought i'd be the lawyer when i was always into writing poetry and making up my own newspapers i'd slip under their door. I'm glad you were able to check it out..


Say word.