Friday, January 28, 2011

A Tour of Paris in Stop-Motion

Because as wonderful as NYC is, my heart's been craving a move to Europe...if only I were brave enough. Has anyone else been dreaming of living someplace else? (via Travel + Leisure)

Le Flâneur (feat. The XX) from Luke Shepard on Vimeo.


  1. Yes! I am obsesed with Panama right now and I am really thinking of leaving the US.Europe is wonderful...but entirely too cold. But NYC will always be my home and close to my heart. No place like it.

  2. It's is Michigan which equates to gray skies, cold temperatures and snow. I dream of a tropical island with a warm breeze. The sound of palm leaves rustling at night. The ocean waves as they crash upon the shore. Mountains in the distance. Oh yeah... Hawaii.

  3. If that's your dream, I say go for it!

  4. I dreamed for a couple years of moving to New Zealand or maybe Italy. I no longer desire to live anywhere else other than where I am, but I would still love to visit.

  5. I studied it way back, but unfortunately lack of practice is stealing away the bits I remember.


Say word.