Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Breast Cancer Essay in Latina Magazine

When I was approached to pen an essay for Latina's October issue about my journey with breast cancer, I said yes, but also felt nervous about taking on the assignment. I'd covered breast cancer awareness and survivors' stories for the same magazine in the past so it was a bit surreal that I had now become the subject of a topic I'd written about so many times before. I wasn't sure how I felt about shining the spotlight on myself after knowing how many others had fought before and are still fighting now. What happened to my initial refusal to become a banner woman for this disease? I accepted anyway. More good will come from sharing and giving of oneself than from withholding every bit of you - even the not so pretty parts.

My life is a fairly open book, which is evident through this blog, and I function under the hope that my thoughts and stories somehow inspire someone else walking down a similar path. So maybe my personal essay will bring a little bit of kickass positivity and hope to another trudging through the dark days because as I write in those pages, "You will eventually smile again and focus on your goals, and life just keeps moving on."


  1. I'm so glad you are a survivor. Those 5 more years of treatment will seem long ones - but be happy that you have them!

    1. Four and a half years now! We're getting there...

  2. My aunt just made her 5 year mark! Hoping my sister makes hers.

    My aunt told me something that I think is really appropriate. To beat cancer, you aren't just a survivor but a thriver.

    How you are living your life right now, you are thriving. Enjoy every moment of it!

    1. Thanks, ChicagoLady! I hope your family thrives the hell out of this life, too.

  3. I think I must have missed something in your story because I didn't realize you had suffered from breast cancer. It's an amazing thing to be able to speak openly about your experiences - your story will certainly help and comfort others! I would love to read it!

    1. Lost In Cheeseland, it's a fairly new addition to my story. I was diagnosed last December so I've spent this year dealing with treatments, doctor's visits, and all the emotional mess. Thanks for the kind words!

  4. A big YES! to another 5 years of freedom. Good for you for thinking so positively!

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