Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Countryside Photo Shoot: Part 2

For this look, we thought we'd go for sexy. "This will be the August shot for A.'s calendar!" my buddy directed. I wasn't planning on doing any such thing, but after seeing the boyfriend's reaction to the shoot, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all...
Also not a bad idea: getting into larger, dangly earrings. The Bantu Girl let me choose from her colorful accessories collection, which were more fun to wear than my timid little placeholders and not as clumsy as I thought they'd be. What kind of earrings do you usually prefer?


  1. Wowsers!! Look at the hottie!!!!

    :) Someone needs to paint their van though... you deserve a nice backdrop!

    1. Thanks! And oddly enough, I liked the junky backdrop.

  2. Love the dangly earrings on you! I can see why A. might like a whole calendar of pictures like that, lol.


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