Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Things to Do Before I Die

After discovering the Tumblr blog Your Bucket List, I realized I've never made a list of my own list of things I want to accomplish in my life. Sure, I've written about some wishes here and there and created an ambitious set of goals for a year (that I only halfway completed). I've even been blessed to get to do things that others would only dream of doing such as playing with white tiger cubs, riding dolphins, calling NYC home, ziplining above the forests of Costa Rica, and backpacking through Europe, but I've never actually given a lot of thought about what would be in my bucket list if I were to have one. So here are some other things I need to experience before I die:

1. Go camping.
2. Float in the Dead Sea.
3. Live in Europe.
4. Write a book.
5. Visit all the states in the U.S.
6. Go backpacking through Central or South America.
7. Become a creative business owner.
8. See the aurora borealis.
9. Marry Mr. Right at a wedding in a park.
10. Become a mom.
11. See a tornado.
12. Experience an earthquake.
13. Get my weight up to 90 pounds.
14. Get over my fear of the spotlight and perform in a play.
15. Own a home with a garden, orange trees, a swing, and trellis.
16. Make my own marshmallows.
17. Learn to swim.
18. Ride an elephant and camel (since I've already ridden dolphins).
19. Interview Adele.
20. Run a 5K.
21. Photograph a stunning sunrise.
22. Own a vacation home in France.
23. Go whitewater rafting.
24. Scream from a mountaintop.
25. Entertain a handful of children. (I used to want to be a teacher.)
26. Create a wall of inspiration.
27. Meet Paulo Coelho.
28. Own a fun little car like a Mini Cooper or a Beetle.
29. Spend a summer in the country. Preferably an Italian one.
30. Visit every continent.
31. Ride a hot air balloon.
32. Create my own cupcake/dessert recipes.
33. Take a helicopter ride over New York City.
34. Go on an Internetless vacation for a month.
35. Cruise around the world.
36. Go skinny dipping.
37. Learn to play a song on a piano or guitar.
38. Go on an epic road trip.
39. Take a time-lapse photo of the stars.
40. Participate in a craft fair.

I'll stop there because I originally thought it would be hard to come up with 10 and now they won't stop coming! Do you have a bucket list? What interesting things have you included in it?


  1. I've never made one giant massive list like this -- I try to do little ones for each season. It makes it all feel more manageable for me.

    And I'm with you on so many of these. I've never been camping either, though some friends in San Diego promised to take me the next time I visit.

    1. I seriously started writing a few down and then they just kept pouring out! Figured it can't hurt to get it written down to refer to from time to time. Also, I'm working on a post about one of these that I think you might be able to help me on, I hope ;)

  2. Wow, good luck with your bucket list! You are going to do amazing things in your life. Me? I keep it simple. I am working on a summer 2012 bucket list.

    1. Ooh, what's on it? I'm sure you and the little ones are going to make the most of the season.

  3. I have a list in my head, but it's not written down yet. A couple of things I want to do are hike Half Dome and travel to space.

    1. In an old list I'd written "travel to the moon," but I can only imagine how much money that would take...

  4. Replies
    1. I hope you had a huge celebration when you reached that milestone yourself.

  5. OMG i started a bucket list not too long ago also. Mine only has 7 things on it right now though. Ride an Elephant is on mine too.

  6. Interesting list.

    I've been camping loads of times; both with Girl Guides and with my family.

    I've written a book; 2 actually, which I recently got published in ebook format via Smashwords.com (and I'm working on others to publish in the future).

    You so don't want to experience an earthquake; I've only been in small ones, and even they were kind of scary!

    I've ridden both an elephant and a camel. The elephant in a circus when I was 6, and the camel in Cyprus when I was about 10.

    I've entertained a group of children of varying ages before. At one point I was looking after and entertaining 2 babies (both around 3 months; they weren't twins though), 2 toddlers (a 2 year old and a 3 year old), a 4 year old, a 7 year old and a 10 year old. It was interesting. Trust me, it's easier when the children are all in the same agegroup!


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