Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Friday!

Are you guys doing anything good this weekend? A. came to my place today craving peanut butter cookies so we ran out for supplies to bake some. We used this recipe, but added a few tweaks including some mentioned in the recipe's comments like more flour, chocolate, and vanilla extract. But holy jeebus, instead of 24 cookies we ended up with 64! Thank goodness they turned out yummy.

I also have a little belated goody for you all. We finally made our Europe photos public! ('Bout damn time, huh?) So click on to see all that we saw and loved in Berlin, Prague, Munich, Paris, Barcelona, Cannes, Florence, and Rome! And I hope you all have a wonderfully sweet weekend, my little monkeybutts.


  1. Mmmmm.... Cookies!

    I had a tea party (which I'll post more about on my blog next weekend, because I had it for that post).

  2. Those cookies look amazing and I'm excited to see your pictures!

  3. I'm with Karen. They look amazing and out of a magazine. I'm heading for your photos now!!!!! I'm so behind on seeing them.

  4. Oh wow. They look so delicious. I will have to make myself some!!!

    Btw. I have passed on the Versatile Bloggers Award on to you today. I really, really love your blog!

    If you'd like to have a look at the post:

    XO Samantha

  5. Thanks, guys. Can you believe we only just finished out these cookies yesterday? And just in time, too, because now A. wants to bake snickerdoodles this weekend.

    Lord help us.


Say word.