Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hooray for the weekend and a holiday one at that! Unfortunately, I'll still be putting in some work hours, but at least I won't have to schlep to the office for a few days. Plus, Heather will be back in town and in much nicer weather so we'll actually get to enjoy ourselves without crying out from the freezing cold.

For Happy Fridays I'm going to start listing a few things I've been thankful for during the week (cause Lord knows I need a reminder every now and then) and sharing links to fun things that appeal to your senses (along with a few other goodies, of course).

This week I'm happy for:

- This week being over. I'm so serious.
- Happy hours, goal-setting sessions and chats with a good friend
- Frequent trips to Central Park
- That I don't have to live with any roommates (especially when I come home wearing my cranky pants)
- Receiving "Handmade Weddings," "Paper + Craft" and "Little Book of Letterpress" to read and review for you guys.
- That I finally booked an appointment for my first fancy haircut tomorrow. Only thing is I'm trying out a new place and getting my hair cut in its curly state rather than straightened and holy crap, I'm so anxious!

What are you grateful for?

SEE Grab a blanket and catch these free outdoor movie screenings in NYC this summer. (I'm finally catching The Social Network next week!)
TASTE How classy are these jelly shots?
LISTEN I'm currently loving "Love Long Distance" by Gossip. Last week it was all about the "Men in Love" though.
SMELL If you want the scent of newsprint wafting through your home, get a whiff of The New York Times with this candle. Seriously? Growing an indoor orange tree sounds a whole lot sweeter.
FEEL You'll be touched by other people's selflessness and love through the "Born in the Sky" legacy project, a collection of letterpress poems written by pediatric patients who are fighting through terminal illnesses.
DO Participate in Bike and Roll's NYC "hop on/hop off" program that lets you borrow a bike and then return it at any of its 11 locations. Prices range from $12 per hour to $69 per day.
BUY Cute illustrated mugs.
MAKE Or just create your own.



  1. A hubby who cooks for me most nights so I don't have to (I enjoy cooking and baking when I'm in the mood for it, but I'm glad I don't have to do it every day).

    A flexible enough routine that I can sleep in the day if I need to (because sleeping at night rarely works out for me for some reason).

  2. Can't wait to see pics of what you did to your hair!!

    :) I don't mean it like it sounds...

  3. toriz, the flexible routine sounds dreamy right about now. Especially with all the sunshine and warm weather we have. Days like these were definitely made for laying out on a beach rather than going to work.

    intense guy, oh it was nothing drastic. Just slightly shorter and layered.


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