Thursday, February 6, 2014

Manhattan's Best Coffee Shops By Subway Stops

This is genius! Butterfruit Labs has created New York Coffee Map, a free Andoid app that maps out the best coffee shops near every subway stop in Manhattan. According to the app, locations were selected based on equipment, beans, professional and customer reviews and duplicates were avoided. The majority of the spots are indie coffee houses that represent their neighborhood so I was happy to find a few that I've visited on the list: Buunni, Lalo, Indian Road, Chipped Cup, and Java Girl. It's definitely giving me the itch to grab my MetroCard and check out some of their other picks.

Manhattanites, do you agree with their choices?


  1. That's a cool map/graphic!!! I'll have to print it out for my next trip into the city (whenever that might be!)

  2. I need to remember to come print this out as well, and possibly for my March trip, if it comes to fruition!

  3. Are you kidding me? This is wonderful! Could of used this map when I lived there...but I'll definitely have it when I visit next time! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Wish they had this for Atlanta! It's been a while since we've been to New York, but I know which app to get the next time we go.

  5. perfect for my next trip to NY! Thanks...


    Stopping by from SITS Challenge !

  6. Man, I could have really used this when I lived in Manhattan! Seeing "Empire" on there made me nostalgic. I used to get coffee from there every day when I worked by the Port Authority. Stopping in from SITS!

  7. Definitely visit Bluebird off the 2nd Ave stop, Dorkys.

  8. I love this map! I moved from Brooklyn Heights to Chicago in 2006 but visit often. This makes me a tiny bit sad b/c I am WAY out of date! Stopping by from SITS!

  9. This is awesome. I am pinning this and crossing my fingers that my sister moves to NYC!

  10. This is so cute. There is something fun about living in big cities. I always say I don't miss living in NY I miss the fun I had there.



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