Monday, February 18, 2013

Olive Us

I recently discovered this sweet video from the Olive Us online web series and have been popping in from time to time to catch up on the six Blair kids' adventures as the American family learns, makes, and settles into life in Normandy. This one, of 6-year-old Betty skipping around Paris, is a particularly charming episode and I loved exploring the city of lights through a child's eyes. Visit to catch seasons 1, 2, and 3 and check out the blog for behind-the-scenes peeks into each week's episode. (via Prêt à Voyager)


  1. I really liked this video...thank you for sharing! Kris

  2. I shared this video last month and have been playing it just about every chance I get cuz I've been dreaming of Paris. It's such a sweet video!


Say word.